This piece is inspired by György Ligeti's Poème Symphonique for 100 Metronomes, a work composed in 1962 that explores the concept of a musical labyrinth and the auditory perception of infinity.
根據 Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef 的 code 進行一些微小的改動,隨意更換 `sig` 中的來源波形總是會有意想不到的效果。 --- With some minor changes to the code of "Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef", changing the source waveform held by `sig` can always have unexpected results.
oscillator based kickdrums. Yes I like distortion on kickdrums :)
Triggered DRUM, inspired by analogue drum brains like Simmons SDS-V oder Tama Techstar
I made a fork ( that should make it easier to create more than one instance
CloudGenMini for use with samples. Replaced all global variables to be members of the Tdef(\cloud0)-own environment. This should help to create several instances of CloudGenMiniBuf
Prints beats to bars for a mutiple of bar. How many beats left until next 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc bar.
Use this synthdef as an effect and just make the \go parameter from 0 to 1 to activate. When you transition from 0 to 1, it will record a buffer of length \repms (in miliseconds) and will loop this recorded chunk for as long as \go=1. The \gate pa
Thank you thank you thank you. I love this. So wonderful
this is so diddley darn cool!!!!!
I'm gearing up to do a big project soon; so, this is a little etude—if you will—in preparation. I've been studying Eli Fieldsteel's tutorials for years, and have been studying Nathan Ho's code recently. So shoutout to those guys for making Supercol
I'll have to use this in my anonymous calls to women
cleaned-up code for "Figure 6" of the paper "A SUPERCOLLIDER CLASS FOR VOWEL SYNTHESIS AND ITS USE FOR SONIFICATION" (doi: )
very very nice!!! not understand how you setup tempo and how to link with ableton?
Helper function to extract audio from a youtube video, and save it to a file. Note: Linux/OSX/Unix only (uses .unixCmd), needs yt-dlp to be installed, the download procedure is synchronous
Sound Simulator's "Ryoji Ikeda Pure Data Tutorial" ported to SC source: I only did the porting, kudos to Sound Simulator for the original idea and Pure Data implementation!
An improved version of the modality toolkit description file for the akai mpk mini mk2 To be used with modality toolkit installed on supercollier, and the akai mpk mini mk2
This code sets up a remapping system where input channels are mapped to output channels based on a predefined configuration. The remapping is done using a SynthDef that reads input signals, applies the remapping, and outputs the remapped signals. The
a simple helper function to write \dur patterns in a XoX style i.e. Pseq(~xox.("xxooxoxo") * 8/120, inf)
addSpec is defined for Object in JITLibExtensions
which extension defines addSpec for Ndef ?
Using the AGC2.1 limiter in a feedback context
It is the first short composition, that I fully implemented in SuperCollider, it utilizes traditional synthesis techniques and feedback, exploring score-based composition approaches and variability through random parameters.
Digital concert harp. Requires DWGPlucked2.
whoops, fixed: should just be "sampleRate"
Wow, this has almost the same feature (no, even better) that I was going to work on based on the code:
GUI-based app for building and saving single-cycle waveforms and wavetables. Uses either a mix of sine waves or an envelope of points connected by curves.
Thank you for your answer. And sorry about posting at the wrong place, I was not aware about a dedicated forum for questions. May be this post could be deleted.
First, you may want to join the forum with questions. This site ( is not very suitable for typing explanations. This is more a place to post working snippets. Having said that, what you currently try to do will not work because
In this code, I have a list of frequencies. When I am calling \synthexample, I provide some parameters, the usual ones (amp, etc) and other like bb and threshold. The bb parameter is taken into account and works. And the threshold parameter is pa
it was a question on a discord if i remember correctly, i don't really use this kind of code, but it is possible so why not ? ^^
RESPECT !!! I follow his Tutorial. He is the MASTER !!!!
[MIDI output enabled version](