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Overtone Explorer

by prko on 19 Jan'24 21:00 in additive partial overtones

[related forum post 1](

Filter Explorer @ 1000 Hz of the Cutoff Frequency (Centre Frequency)

by prko on 22 Apr'18 01:44 in filters

Special Thanks to Russell Johnston who gave an excellent solution to MouseLeaveAction issue via the sc-users list! Thanks to Fredrik Olofsson who men

Waveshaping Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 05:01 in gui synthesis techniques waveshaping

Graphical interface for experimenting with waveshape synthesis.

composition barebone

by vividsnow on 16 Jun'12 16:44 in composition

attempt to create abstraction for composition based on spawning parts using tags and distance between numerical params (check "find" function)