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Re: [improved] Gradually change TempoClock tempo [ accelerando / decelerando ] [extension]

by tom.dugovic on 13 Apr'22 02:50 in code fork tempo accelerando decelerando

This gradually changes the tempo of a TempoClock, each beat of a specified number of beats, and starting at the next bar. Personally, I was not a

Gradually change TempoClock tempo [ accelerando / decelerando ]

by Tom Dugovic on 30 Jan'22 19:49 in tempo accelerando decelerando

This gradually changes the tempo of a TempoClock, each beat of a specified number of beats, and starting at the next bar. Personally, I was not a

How to tempo-sync LFOs in Patterns across multiple instances of a Synth

by defaultxr on 12 Mar'15 05:42 in patterns sync lfo tempo

This code shows you how to tempo-sync the various oscillator types in SuperCollider. When you play the pattern, you should be able to hear that the ou