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by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:28 in formant just intonation hordijk basimal decimal partch integers

function that extracts repeating digits in "basimal" representations of ratios

SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost

by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in sctweet sctweets tweeter swiki

140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n

LfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments

by bernhard on 10 Dec'20 12:56 in

LfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments for a course at HKB Bern

In-between, longing

by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 in algorithmic composition voice electroacoustic

This is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas


by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:54 in

chorus + filtros

by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:53 in


by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:49 in

demo Interferencia

by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:48 in


by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:48 in

it goes beyond vibrato too

vinil 10.2

by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:43 in

using a saw osc to modulate delay time resulting in pitch shifting and in the extreme case, inversion through time of the signal

vinil 10

by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:42 in

x mouse position allows us to 'scratch' 10 seconds of input

Gaussian Cookiemonster

by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:25 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble gauss crumblesynthesis

Grainsynth Sampler based on Example in the Documentation. Similar to cookiemonster v.1.1, with GaussTrig instead of randomized Impulse

Cookiemonster v.1.1

by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:04 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble

Grainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. Better version of v.1.0.


by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 12:53 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble

Grainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. I'd call it crumblesynthesis. "ME WANT COOKIE!!!"

Visual gain reduction meter

by jpdrecourt on 15 Mar'20 18:21 in gui compression gain reduction visual osc

Simple visualisation of the gain reduction for effects like compression. It can be run in its own editor window and requires only minimal modification

wavetable interpolation drone

by eli.fieldsteel on 28 Feb'19 07:06 in bass complex drone rich waveshaping wavetable

A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee


by Scott L Simon on 16 Dec'18 03:36 in gui fm synth

Combined a couple of bits of code from this site - with a few mods. Creates a little performance GUI that does frequency mod.

Quadriphonic Isochronic and Binaural Brainwave Machine

by maszkowicz on 08 Oct'18 18:15 in binaural quadriphonic brainwave isochronic mystic solfeggio

This synth is a mix between isochronic and binaural braiwave entrainment. If you run it in a stereo speaker (or headphone), it will work fine but you

Filter Explorer @ 1000 Hz of the Cutoff Frequency (Centre Frequency)

by prko on 22 Apr'18 01:44 in filters

Special Thanks to Russell Johnston who gave an excellent solution to MouseLeaveAction issue via the sc-users list! Thanks to Fredrik Olofsson who men

Squiggle squiggle

by 56228375 on 09 Aug'17 00:51 in osc visualization squiggle mousex mousey control signal parametric

A more extensive squiggle session. Construction is detailed in a blog post

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