

misc29377's code

Simple performance script to launch patterns a la Ableton

15 Feb'25 00:48 in midisamplessequences

This script was my first Supercollider project to create a performance tool something similar like Ableton Live. The script sets up a reverb and delay bus, loads samples (Kickdrum, snare, hihat, tom, bass, fx and pad) and creates sequences for each instrument, that can be triggered via Midi CC. For each channel the volume can be controlled via midi cc, too. The script to load the samples was taken from the book example of Eli Fieldsteel and loads all samples in folder "audio" and all sub-folders where script is stored iteratively and names the array keys according to the folders and the index defines the nth sample in this folder. So the PlayBuf have to be modified to match your need. Additionally a synth is create that can be played via Midi keys. At the end of the script is the Play code that can be used to test the patterns without having a midi controller at hand. Maybe the MidiCC mapping has to be adjusted according your controller. There may be a lot of mistakes in the script, but at least it runs ;).