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Re: circling transpositions

by Luka P. on 18 Feb'20 15:13 in code fork slow melodic melodies arpeggiato

some playing around with m/c/g-transpose in Pbind. this stops after it 2 repetitions, but it could start at the beginning and go on forever - just cha

circling transpositions

by Luka P. on 18 Feb'20 12:54 in slow melodic melodies arpeggiato

some playing around with m/c/g-transpose in Pbind. this stops after it has transposed 6 times a semitone up, but it could start at the beginning and g

In-App purchase

by grirgz on 11 Feb'16 18:46 in

the starting element of this track was the "piano" (named dru here) which is picking random notes from a scale then putting them at random time on a b

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick

Re: Algorithmic melancholy

by grirgz on 27 Jan'14 23:35 in code fork generative

A little fork. I left all the old code for historical reasons