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digital lowercase from floating point errors

by eli.rosenkim on 01 Jun'22 03:36 in lowercase floating point quick proof of concept

In-between, longing

by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 in algorithmic composition voice electroacoustic

This is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas

chorus + filtros

by lambda on 22 Jul'20 03:53 in

Turning real music into 8-bit music

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 21:57 in 8bit chiptune pitch analysis

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

bin-aural revolve

by vividsnow on 07 Jun'12 03:44 in noise sketch experimental background

some sound exploring - [soundcloud](

reception: educational (1)realisticsounding (1)industrial (1)


by vividsnow on 17 May'12 02:55 in noise experimental background endless

exploring of morphing cycled envelopes (i.e. kind of grains) as a sound source; give it some tries - there are possibly interesting ones