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Wavetable Builder with GUI

by txmod on 25 Feb'24 19:40 in gui wavetable

GUI-based app for building and saving single-cycle waveforms and wavetables. Uses either a mix of sine waves or an envelope of points connected by c

reception: useful (1)

Re: sloth canons [Pattern Extension]

by tom.dugovic on 24 Apr'22 04:21 in code fork sloth canon

Save this as an extension and recompile class library. You can now use `Psloth([0,1,0], 10)`, for example, instead of declaring a new routine for each

Bjorklund Toy

by rinalka1227 on 21 Apr'21 17:01 in pluck bjorklund

Toy built to facilitate experimenting with Bjourklund to step through two different 'chords'. The "onChord" is used in some way for each Bjorklund hi

MIDI arpeggiator demo

by wondersluyter on 06 Mar'21 05:31 in pattern arpeggio midi arpeggiator

Roughly based on the stock ableton arpeggiator behavior. A lot of variation is possible combining custom ~chordSort and ~notePat functions.

GUI to generate scale- and arpeggio-like fragments in Just Intonation

by jordanwhitede on 20 Dec'20 15:03 in gui just intonation

I developed this to help me work on hearing and playing in just intonation. It's my first GUI so feedback is very welcome, but it works basically ok f

In-between, longing

by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 in algorithmic composition voice electroacoustic

This is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas

Granular Sampling demo [no GUI]

by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Nov'18 01:34 in granular sampling

PlayBuf, granular sampling, Pbind, fork, TGrains

Pspawner demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 11 Nov'16 20:23 in

A short classroom demonstration of sequencing patterns with Pspawner

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:51 in gui synthesis techniques granular sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (multiple sound files at a time).

Telegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat]

by Schemawound on 17 Dec'12 13:04 in disquiet junto disquiet junto disquiet0050morsebeat morse code

Telegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat] By Schemawound All code by Jonathan Siemasko Blog post about this track: http://schemawound.


by Schemawound on 15 Aug'12 12:58 in song give me a sine compilation sine wave

Schemawound track for Waxen Wing's "Give Me A Sine" compilation. Compilation Description: All songs written using ONLY sine waves in their creation