Search for «Greyhole»doc code in class tags

bytebeat homage

by blueprint on 17 Mar'23 19:54 in math

// these are variations on // my variations are based on bytebeat stuff I did for the midiboy, arduino code // here ht

Locked In

by 56228375 on 29 Nov'20 14:15 in 8bit dark generative soundscape ominous claustrophic

a surprisingly rich soundscape in a few lines of code (lucky accident)

reception: dark (1)

bass wobbles

by Luka P. on 24 Feb'20 19:11 in bass filter moog

couple of cycles of wobbling bass (as in 'dubstep-wobble'): Saw+Squarewave through a MoogVCF filter. synthDef is 'tempo-agnostic' and there will be pr

In the style of Autechre Mirrage

by g_montel on 19 Jul'19 13:54 in

Quick experiment in the style of Autechre Mirrage ambient track

generative melody

by david_morgan on 09 Feb'18 23:26 in generative

forlorn brownian atmosphere

by david_morgan on 22 Jul'17 08:03 in generative

Requires sc3-plugins: DFM1, Greyhole, JPverb

DFM & Greyhole dronin'

by LFSaw on 11 May'17 14:13 in drone jit

Exploring sonic possibilities of the DFM and Greyhole UGens.

reception: awesome (1)

greyhole bits

by grirgz on 14 Apr'14 23:11 in echo bits

Not very original since I copied the bit code from and added a greyhole. But it sound so amazing I wan

reception: awesome (1)

Greyhole example

by LFSaw on 03 Mar'14 12:34 in simple reverb scplugins

See Greyhole from DEIND UGens at SCPlugins