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Re: Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef
by chuzoup on 03 Jan'25 07:37 in根據 Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef 的 code 進行一些微小的改動,隨意更換 `sig` 中的來源波形總是會有意想不到的效果。 --- With some minor changes to the code of "Semi-Random Glitch Syn
beat repeat with gate and pitch increment
by santi on 11 Oct'24 02:52 inUse this synthdef as an effect and just make the \go parameter from 0 to 1 to activate. When you transition from 0 to 1, it will record a buffer of
Function to extract audio from youtube + example usage
by gosub on 06 Jun'24 08:11 inHelper function to extract audio from a youtube video, and save it to a file. Note: Linux/OSX/Unix only (uses .unixCmd), needs yt-dlp to be install
Sound Simulator's "Ryoji Ikeda Pure Data Tutorial" ported to SC
by gosub on 30 May'24 09:09 inSound Simulator's "Ryoji Ikeda Pure Data Tutorial" ported to SC source: I only did the porting, kudo
Far Enough
by iakamuri on 10 Apr'24 16:32 inIt is the first short composition, that I fully implemented in SuperCollider, it utilizes traditional synthesis techniques and feedback, exploring sco
Wavetable Builder with GUI
by txmod on 25 Feb'24 19:40 inGUI-based app for building and saving single-cycle waveforms and wavetables. Uses either a mix of sine waves or an envelope of points connected by c
reception: useful (1)deta-nocturn
by LFSaw on 21 Jan'24 23:50 inA piece experimenting with the settling of 8-bit programs running in BetaBlocker (Dave Griffith & Till Bovermann, 2011).
Industrial Fantasia
by Soheil Zarrinpour on 17 Jan'24 09:36 inIn the continuation of my inspiration drawn from unpitched sounds, I was on the path to discovering methods for fantasizing situations by incorporatin
leaf - an lsystem composition
by blueprint on 17 Nov'23 13:12 inagain, after building the l-system using A composition.
Introduction of Sweet Dreams
by prko on 28 Oct'23 00:16 ininspired from "2018 09 18 18 20 48 sweet dreams twitch" by studioTTTguTTT: "
Reverse reverb
by zecraum on 11 Jun'23 17:41 inReverb reverb by Click Nilson based on impulse response convolution. Posted on the mailing list.
l-systems Pbindef
by blueprint on 21 Mar'23 14:17 inAlso an homage to: but using l-systems to drive Pbindefs instead of Panolas. This is slightly easier to modify other factors (
bytebeat homage
by blueprint on 17 Mar'23 19:54 in// these are variations on // my variations are based on bytebeat stuff I did for the midiboy, arduino code // here ht