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OSC etude #1

by emergent on 20 Mar'21 14:36 in

3 bandpass-filtered sawtooth waves, center frequency of bandpass filter modulated by OSC via the multitouch feature of Sensors2Osc

wavetable interpolation drone

by eli.fieldsteel on 28 Feb'19 07:06 in bass complex drone rich waveshaping wavetable

A lush drone using a waveshaping algorithm for interpolating between multiple wavetables. This code is based off of a similar code example by totalgee


by Scott L Simon on 10 Jan'19 09:25 in synthesis mapping metering

Experiments in metering and mapping a synth using and Level-Indicator.

sync looper

by ovo on 02 Mar'18 11:51 in sync looper pedal

synchronized loop

Scoring a movie with supercollider

by 56228375 on 12 Aug'17 11:34 in osc synchronization movie timeline blender

This is the supercollider code used in the tutorial about creating a generative movie score with supercollider and blender. The tutorial itself is loc

Tracking buffer .read and .free

by jamshark70 on 30 Jan'16 06:45 in path status tracking watching

If you need to maintain a list of buffers (say, for a GUI) and have that list update automatically even if the user issues or comma

Receiving NIMate generated OSC messages

by rev on 13 Jun'14 12:47 in theremin kinect nimate osc receiver

Simple Theremin receiving OSC messages generated by NIMate via a MS Kinect. The code is raw and contains arbitrary mapping. Works with "Full Skeleton

Simple Amplitude Trigger (language side)

by rukano on 21 Oct'13 12:45 in amplitude trigger

Simple amplitude trigger using Onsets, Amplitude and SendReply for sending triggers to sclang from SoundIn.

Simple Amplitude Tracker (language side)

by rukano on 21 Oct'13 12:41 in amplitude tracker

It's jsut an amplitude tracker, to exaplin how to send values from scsynth to sclang.