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CloudGenMiniBuf streamlined

by LFSaw on 17 Dec'24 11:26 in code fork

CloudGenMini for use with samples. Replaced all global variables to be members of the Tdef(\cloud0)-own environment. This should help to create seve

Command-line SC utility for MIDI clock out

by jamshark70 on 27 Dec'21 05:52 in midi sync clock

When sending MIDI clock out at a fast tempo, there may be fewer than 10 ms between clock ticks. If you're sending the clock messages from the same scl

SpacePan - A Spatial Audio Environment

by audioholic on 07 Nov'20 18:40 in gui spatialization multichannel spatial audio

This is a basic spatial audio tool using source oriented vector based delay and amplitude panning as well as basic room simulation. This code was

Simple GUI for WavesetsEvent

by IMF on 16 Jul'20 17:44 in gui granular synthesis wavesets wavesetsevent

A simple GUI for Waveset Synthesis. Requires WavesetsEvent, which should be placed in your SC extensions folder. Most of the code came from the includ


by lambda on 14 Jul'20 18:14 in

lo mismo que modulo pero usando slider2d


by lambda on 04 Jul'20 10:35 in modulacion

moving sound

by lambda on 04 Jul'20 10:33 in lissajous

Genera dos tonos independientes para cada oido. Si lo vemos en el scope en modo X/Y podemos observar figuras de Lissajous


by Scott L Simon on 05 Jan'19 12:16 in gui patterns synth

Another small GUI performance module. Builds on a 303 from the helpfiles with a few changes.


by Scott L Simon on 16 Dec'18 03:36 in gui fm synth

Combined a couple of bits of code from this site - with a few mods. Creates a little performance GUI that does frequency mod.

Color Picker

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:13 in gui color picker

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Graphic illustration of granular time-stretching

by jamshark70 on 26 Apr'15 09:39 in granular synthesis techniques pedagogy

Graphically represents a small set of granular windows, with variable offset. Move the "ratio" slider, and you can see and hear time stretching.

reception: graphics instructional (1)

Visual demonstration of aliasing/foldover (modified from James Harkins)

by jnarveson on 15 Jan'14 18:30 in informative educational nyquist

James Harkins already posted already excellent little visualizer for illustrating the importance of the Nyquist frequency - I just wanted to add a sli


by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 12:12 in ndef resonator complexres plugin recursive network

ComparFeedback implements an FM feedback matrix based on the ComplexRes UGen. The number of nodes can be set when defining the synthesis engine. Compa

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:57 in gui patterns synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Translucent "pad" interface to play with subtractive synthesis. White noise triggered by either Impulses of LFPulse, then filtered by a Band Pass Filt

Subtractive Synthesis GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:53 in noise gui filter synthesis techniques subtractive synthesis

Graphical interface to play with subtractive synthesis. Use the 2D slider to choose filter frequency (x-axis) and filter rq (y-axis). Use the menu to

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:51 in gui synthesis techniques granular sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (multiple sound files at a time).

Granular Sampling GUI Demo 1

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:50 in gui synthesis techniques granular synthesis sampling

Graphical interface to experiment with granular sampling (one sound file at a time).

reception: educational (1)

Ring Modulation GUI Demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:48 in gui synthesis techniques amplitude modulation ring modulation

Simple interface to experiment with with Ring Modulation (a type of Amplitude Modulation).

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 4

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:47 in fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation frequency ratio

Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. Also adjust duration of events. In this ver

Frequency Modulation GUI Demo 3

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 04:45 in gui fm synthesis techniques frequency modulation envelopes

Experiment with FM by specifying contours for Carrier Frequency, Modulator Frequency, Modulation Index, and Amplitude Envelope. You can also choose du

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