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Automatic looper by selecting a part of a sound file

by prko on 05 Dec'22 15:41 in looper

originated from <> and <

Rate Player

by joehigham on 30 Jul'18 18:40 in sampler piano player

This is a player that I use for live work. It takes piano samples (or anything else I guess) and plays them in a rhythmic way that is also based on ch

Re: Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only), adapted to use SoundFile:cue

by LFSaw on 30 Apr'12 13:07 in gui sampler code fork loader soundfile

*Needs Qt GUI (VLayout)* ----- Basic GUI for loading samples and playing them via button presses. Differences to the original version by rukano:

reception: nice (1)useful (1)soundboard (1)

Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only)

by rukano on 22 Apr'12 00:14 in gui sampler loader

Pretty simple GUI (button per sample) for loading samples into buffers and playing them from GUI buttons. !!! Needs Qt GUI !!! (VLayout)

reception: cool (1)basic (1)works (1)example (1)