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by mahatGma on 16 Dec'14 23:39 in maqam music trainer

Generative jazz

by Devi Skanadze on 24 Nov'14 10:51 in jazz algorithm rythm generative morse euclidean thue

download drum loop:


by Alexander Lunt on 08 Nov'14 19:22 in sound effects gui melody waves synth synthesis wave synthdef additive synthesis ring modulation synthesizer user interface window

A Synthesizer similar to the Ableton Operator: Four Oscillators can be modulated and manipulated in different ways. Just evaluate the whole Code at on

Spectrum and Spectrogram of a sound file

by jcc on 07 Nov'14 23:30 in spectrum spectrogram

Calculates and plots the spectrum at any position in a sound file (only reads one channel). Displays the spectrogram of a selected segment of a sound

reception: great and useful (1)

Vowel space by formants f2 f1

by grirgz on 05 Nov'14 01:32 in gui vowel formant

Code by Andrea Valle

Entropy - Midterm: THX Deep Note Variation (musc-115-thx)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:14 in electronic experimental supercollider code synth synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115thx thx deep note thx deep note

Each of these synths is a variation of SuperCollider code that replicates the TXH Deep Note. A tutorial for replicating the THX Deep Note can be foun

Simple Harmonic Motion

by rukano on 28 Oct'14 15:44 in sine sinewaves simple harmonic motion

Was just trying to reproduce the simple harmonic motion videos i've been watching. I think this is a compact and yet flexible way where you are able t


by Devi Skanadze on 23 Sep'14 19:56 in ambient

game of life

by Raver_Ale on 10 Sep'14 22:20 in generative conway game of life visual work in progress

a work in progress implementation of conway's game of life. some stuff still not working properly. Used the 1d cellular automaton by the berlin sc-gro


by olaf on 04 Sep'14 06:54 in gui synth tb303

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

Molecular music box

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 00:31 in pattern generative molecular

Inspired by this post I rewritten the algo to use more the patterns, so it's generated on the fly and it's easy to cu


by henklass on 25 Aug'14 16:13 in arpeggio math kaprekars constant

Kaprekar Take any four-digit number except multiples of 1111. Sort the digits. Make numbers of the digits in ascending and in descending order. Repea

example fft sc->processing v2

by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 Aug'14 00:21 in processing

an extended version of this one sends 3 streams of spectral data at the same time - high, mid and low filtered. note: quite

reception: useful (1)

beat grid

by vividsnow on 16 Jul'14 01:57 in rhythmic beat prototype metre grid

prototype of simple metre beat grid running on server w/ synced TempoBusClock


by vividsnow on 15 Jun'14 19:38 in sketch step rhythm

bankrupt robot's dance-machine )

sine ocean

by eli.fieldsteel on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in sine patterns random spatialization metal pure immersive

150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase

Pisano Melodies

by henk.lasschuit on 15 Apr'14 21:55 in mathematics research

Pisano Periods are used to generate melodies

Additive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 4 (Risset Bell)

by Bruno Ruviaro on 08 Apr'14 04:21 in bell risset additive synthesis quneo

QuNeo controller playing Risset Bells (additive synthesis demo). This one adds controls for Attack and Release times.

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