vividsnow's code
function vars/args as dictionary
shortcuts to get function variables/arguments state as dictionary
beat grid
prototype of simple metre beat grid running on server w/ synced TempoBusClock
1i don't like scrolling large files and stick to "don't-repeat-youself" principle - therefore i come to this technique for code structuring which involves [using Environments as object prototypes]( and closures. sclang is cool )
composition barebone
2attempt to create abstraction for composition based on spawning parts using tags and distance between numerical params (check "find" function)
bin-aural revolve
1some sound exploring - [soundcloud](
4exploring of morphing cycled envelopes (i.e. kind of grains) as a sound source; give it some tries - there are possibly interesting ones
asylum appearance
2 1lunatic asylum band during moon eclipse p.s. slightly different sounding on each run )
2bulging version of [simple rand-n-step]( but with comments, which maybe helpful to reuse this stuff it seems, someday, it should be rewritten as Quark )
8simple gui step sequencer of PMOsc-based random instruments note: modify variables "dims" and "resolution" to change number of instruments/steps and time resolution
alien radio beacon
strange device found in space ) p.s. different "station" each run
strange place
8Just experimental sketch of somewhere audio background. p.s. some random variations on each run.
Re: Recursion-toy-like vines with Pen
1some simple sonification of [1-14](
vividsnow's comments