

rukano's code

Easy side chain / side compression / gating

Quick example how to use the Compander UGen for gating/side chaining

Simple Harmonic Motion

Was just trying to reproduce the simple harmonic motion videos i've been watching. I think this is a compact and yet flexible way where you are able to change the scale, octave, frequency, etc very easily.

Draw your waveform feat. silly pattern player


A short demonstration how to change values in a buffer from a GUI. Also some presets added, because the mouse precision is not very good if you intend to draw fast.

JPEG / JPG Glitcher


This code, based on uiae's blogpost takes a JPG file and replaces some bytes on it to mess up the codec. The result, some funny glitches

Happy little music

04 Nov'13 14:59 in happy

a short piece which plays random major music. It sounded very happy.

Simple Amplitude Trigger (language side)

21 Oct'13 12:45 in amplitude trigger

Simple amplitude trigger using Onsets, Amplitude and SendReply for sending triggers to sclang from SoundIn.

Simple Amplitude Tracker (language side)

21 Oct'13 12:41 in amplitude tracker

It's jsut an amplitude tracker, to exaplin how to send values from scsynth to sclang.

3D Scope

10 Dec'12 13:45 in 3D Scope3D Scope3D Scope

This was inspired by and a student wanted to do a 3D freq/spectrum plot over time. The colors are just for extra funkyness.... feel free to change it to standerd retro green and scale the freqs and magnitudes at will ;)

sctweets by rukano

10 Jul'12 16:01 in tweets

Still trying to find more so I can have a collection of all my tweets here

sccode in sccode

26 Jun'12 17:11 in codesccode

yo dawg, I herd you like SC Code


19 Jun'12 02:00 in SuperSimpleSequencer

Just for fun and a demonstration of gui/2Darrays/synths/tasks in less than 30 lines.

Needs more cowbell

10 Jun'12 01:16 in loficowbellinstrumentretro

It's always good to have a cowbell recipe, in case someone says "needs more cowbell" now you can give them cowbell.

Simple animated 2D user interface


A more simple example using the shared memory interface to get the current status of a bus, and also setting a bus from the GUI. The circle turns red depending on the oscillator value, and the oscillator frequency and amplitude are controlled by the x, y position of the circle in the window.

Synchronous control bus visualizer using the shared memory interface


Messing around with Control buses and later Control Ndefs and using getSynchronous to use the exact value of the UGen in the draw function. Extra: you can click on the zone of the moving circle to pause and resume the running synth on that bus :)

Cheap Screen Saver (randomness free)

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Messing around with pen, trying not to use randomness. Turned out like a 90's screen saver.

Blowing ambient with lots of reverb

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Going to sleep, need some relaxing after 10 hours epic sax guy.

Epic Sax Guy (cheap version)


Again, just an exercise to get this tune out of my head. I was actually trying out the Stk plugins, but the sax there is quite cheesy. Not it's replaced by a cheap pseudo trumpet. Epic Sax Guy:

Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only)

22 Apr'12 00:14 in guisamplerloader

Pretty simple GUI (button per sample) for loading samples into buffers and playing them from GUI buttons. !!! Needs Qt GUI !!! (VLayout)

Chariots of Fire with the \default Synth

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26 Feb'12 23:59 in covertunedefault synthlofi

Chariots of Fire by Vangelis (Default Synth Mock-Up) Once I started a Pbind with the default synth and got stuck in a lower octave on one note. This reminds me every time of chariots of fire. So I decided to give it a go and at least try to reconstruct the beginning. If someone else wants to complement, make the other parts or write it differently, feel free to fork :) I just wanted to get this out of my head. -rukano

Re: Dub Echo using LocalIn + LocalOut (and Ping Pong)

Fork of Bjorn's Dub echo, rewritten w/o the Feedback Quark (using LocalIn + LocalOut) and adding a ping pong (can be removed by deleting the .reverse method in the LocalOut line)

SC Cube (from the list archives)

14 Feb'12 19:58 in supercollidercubelogofanboy

One face of the SC cube. Code originally by Batuhan Bozkurt (iirc). Feel free to fork and pimp or make a 3D version of the cube ;) Code taken from:

Kind of music box

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14 Feb'12 01:26 in Kind of music box

I was trying to to a music box sound that sounds kind of broken. Not very disappointed with the result :)

SpeechRender / SpeechBuffer

11 Feb'12 19:35 in speechclassrenderbuffer

Little class I made two years ago to generate buffers out of the speech synthesis engine in Mac OS X. If there is something similar from the command line in Linux or windows, should be easy to adapt the command for those platforms. One of the first things one learn as SC beginner is "bla bla".speak and it is a lot of fun. But one of the most common problems is: one wants to use that command in SynthDefs. If you like the speech synthesizer now you can turn it into a buffer and use it as you wish. Usage: b = SpeechBuffer("I am Super... Collider", 3); // string, voice; play{, b, * 0.5, loop:1)!2 } And you have to clean up your rendering directory with: SpeechBuffer.cleanUp // or: SpeechRender.cleanUp If maybe someone want, this could be turned into a Quark (?) Have fun!

Looping Station

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10 Feb'12 19:42 in looper

GUI for recording and playing quantized loops. If you change the tempo, hit on refresh. You can change the output bus for the click (first variable declared) If you have troubles with the font, change it to a font you might have installed, I'm using: Synchro LET You might use MIDI responders to activate the buttons, but you have to write that yourself. Execute, record, play, have fun

OSC to MIDI converter (GUI)

04 Jan'12 21:04 in midioscconverter

Code written in about 1 hour trying to emulate gui and behaviour of osculator. Ended up being just a OSC to MIDI CC converter... but it's open to other things. Feel free to enhance and complement, or even make a class for this (and a future Quark?) Goal was to use less than 100 lines. Turned up working with just 35 :)

Step Sequencer with Midi/Scales/Tuning capabilities


Very old code I made in my first SuperCollider years. Changed some stuff to not use environment variables. Still works... but, yeah... spaghetti code ALL the way. Demo video @ Youtube:

Der Mussolini (bassline cover)

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An approach to try to reproduce the 'famous' bassline of "Der Mussolini" by D.A.F.

Verschwende deine Jugend (bassline cover)

An approach to try to reproduce the 'famous' bassline of "Verschwende deine Jugend" by D.A.F.

Feedback with beats

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10 Aug'11 17:12 in feedbackbeat

Trying out some stuff to get some melodies/pads out of feedback and some beats in the background.