Fredrik Olofsson


Fredrik Olofsson's code

creating rhythms

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from the book 'Creating Rhythms' by Stefan Hollos & J. Richard Hollos ported from c to supercollider related classes: Bjorklund

example fft sc->processing v2

15 Aug'14 00:21 in example fft sc->processing v2

an extended version of this one sends 3 streams of spectral data at the same time - high, mid and low filtered. note: quite heavy on the cpu and sends a lot of data via osc (1024*3 values 61times/second). play any sound on output bus 0 and 1 to test it. e.g. {!2}.play updated to work with sc3.9 and processing 3.3.6


14 Jan'14 22:54 in randomtool

might be osx only

some GNUPlot quark examples

18 Jun'13 20:14 in plot

example sequencing soundfiles

14 May'13 22:17 in

simple example showing how to play one soundfile after the other in a sequence. use as a template.

example fft sc->processing

30 Apr'13 18:04 in processing

template code for sending lots of data (1024 fft values 61 times per second) from sc to processing. sound function from an old sc-tweet. updated to work with sc3.9 and processing 3.3.6

redo_minimalish sketch

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took five of my own tweets and played them at the same time.

sctweets by redFrik

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10 Jul'12 22:56 in sctweets by redFrik

my collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with tweet0168-0172 updated 140106 with tweet0173-0185 updated 140914 with tweet0186-0222 updated 150602 with tweet0223-0235 updated 171009 with tweet0236-0356 updated 171231 with tweet0357-0360

risset bells

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15 May'12 11:27 in risset bellsrisset bells

an exact port of a pd (pure-data) example patch.