«Spectrum and Spectrogram of a sound file» by jcc
on 07 Nov'14 23:30 inCalculates and plots the spectrum at any position in a sound file (only reads one channel). Displays the spectrogram of a selected segment of a sound file. Be careful not to select a very long segment or it will take very long to calculate and display (anything under 3 seconds is ok).
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// // Spectrum and Spetrogram of a sound // // Based on the material taught in: Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications // by Prof Xavier Serra, Prof Julius O Smith, III // https://www.coursera.org/course/audio // // jcc // // Select all code and evaluate ( s.waitForBoot({ // vars for fft var sfBuf, soundFile, sfPath, sfview, spectrum, win, selectionSpec, openButton, sfselDisp, zoButton,ziButton,srButton,slButton,cursorFrame, sfDispArray, sfDispButton,loadDisp, hwin,real,imag,cosTable,fftsize,makefft,fftDisp, makefftB, sfSampleRate ; //vars for spetrogram var sgrmBuf,sonogramButton, sfSelection, windowsize, overlap, winStepArray, stepsNum; var sfSliceArray, shwin, sreal, simag, sCosTable, sonSpectrum, spectrumArray; var minmax, minSpectrumAmp,maxSpectrumAmp ,spctrgrm, cspctrgrm; var readSlice, analyzeSlice, getMinMaxVals, makeSonogram, displaySonogram,clrspctrgrm; //function names // init fft vars fftsize= 2**11; sfSampleRate = 44100; //temporary sr sfDispArray=FloatArray.newClear(512); hwin = Signal.hanningWindow(512); real = Signal.newClear(fftsize); imag = Signal.newClear(fftsize); cosTable = Signal.fftCosTable(fftsize); //"sfSampleRate; ".post;sfSampleRate.postln; //init sonogram vars windowsize = 512; overlap= windowsize/2; //init the next 3 variables when making a selection //winStepArray=Array.series((~sfBuf.numFrames - windowsize).div(overlap), 0, ~overlap); //stepsNum=winStepArray.size; //spectrumArray=DoubleArray.newClear(fftsize/2)!(stepsNum); sfSliceArray=DoubleArray.newClear(512); shwin = Signal.hanningWindow(512); sreal = Signal.newClear(fftsize); simag = Signal.newClear(fftsize); sCosTable = Signal.fftCosTable(fftsize); // fft functions loadDisp={arg f; sfBuf.loadToFloatArray( f, 512,{arg a; sfDispArray = a}); sfDispArray = sfDispArray; // sfselDisp.refresh }; makefft = {arg signalToAnalize; hwin = Signal.hanningWindow(512); signalToAnalize = signalToAnalize * hwin; // window signal real=real.waveFill({arg x; // extend signal for higher FFT definition if((signalToAnalize.size) < x, {0}, {signalToAnalize[x]})}, 0, fftsize-1); spectrum = fft(real, imag, cosTable) // do FFT }; ~loadFFT=Routine({ // display 512 sound file samples from cursor // bug somewhere here, always requires two mouse clicks to work... // why?? sfselDisp.value = loadDisp.value(cursorFrame); 0.0001.wait; sfselDisp.refresh; // make fft and plot spectrum fftDisp.value = makefft.value(sfDispArray).magnitude[0..1024]; //plot only positive frecuencies fftDisp.domainSpecs = [0, (sfSampleRate / 2), \lin,0,0,"Hz"].asSpec; fftDisp.refresh; }); // sonogram functions (readSlice={arg f,n; sgrmBuf.loadToFloatArray( f, 512,{arg a; sfSliceArray = a}); sfSliceArray = sfSliceArray; "Reading spectrum slice number: ".post;(n+1).postln; }); ( analyzeSlice = {arg signalToAnalize; signalToAnalize = signalToAnalize * shwin; // window signal sreal=sreal.waveFill({arg x; // extend signal for higher FFT definition if((signalToAnalize.size) < x, {0}, {signalToAnalize[x]})}, 0, fftsize-1); fft(sreal, simag, sCosTable) ;// do FFT }); ( getMinMaxVals={ minmax=spectrumArray.size.collectAs({|i,n| [spectrumArray[i][spectrumArray[i].minIndex], spectrumArray[i][spectrumArray[i].maxIndex]]; },Array).flop; minSpectrumAmp=minmax[0][minmax[0].minIndex]; "Min amp value :".post;minSpectrumAmp.postln; maxSpectrumAmp=minmax[1][minmax[1].maxIndex]; "Max amp value :".post;maxSpectrumAmp.postln; }); ( displaySonogram={ var nx= spectrumArray.size, ny= spectrumArray[0].size, xs = 1200, ys = 500, dx= xs/nx, dy=ys/ny, spctrgrm, stext, ttext, ftext,bcolor; getMinMaxVals.value; bcolor= Color.new(0.63915638923645, 0.61455166339874, 0.3189784526825); stext= StaticText(win, Rect(30, 900, 250, 20)).background_(bcolor); ttext = StaticText(win, Rect(280, 900, 250, 20)).background_(bcolor); ftext = StaticText(win, Rect(530, 900, 250, 20)).background_(bcolor); stext.string = " Sample range: "; ttext.string = " Time range: "; ftext.string = " Bin freq: "; spctrgrm = UserView(win, Rect(30, 400, xs, ys)); spctrgrm.background = Color.black; spctrgrm.drawFunc = { nx.do{ |x| ny.do{ |y| var m = spectrumArray[x][y]; Pen.color = Color.green(m.curvelin(minSpectrumAmp,maxSpectrumAmp,0,2,-1), 0.95); Pen.addRect( Rect(x*dx, ys-(y * dy), dx, dy) ); Pen.fill } } }; spctrgrm.mouseDownAction = {arg v, x, y; var binf, nextbinf, sampleNum; sampleNum =winStepArray[x.linlin(0, xs, 0, stepsNum)]; sampleNum= sampleNum + sfSelection[0]; //"Yval: ".post;y.postln; binf =((ys-y)/ys*2048)*sfSampleRate/4096; nextbinf = ((ys-y + 1)/ys*2048)*sfSampleRate/4096; stext.string = " Sample range: "++sampleNum++" - "++(sampleNum+512); ttext.string = " Time range: "++(sampleNum/sfSampleRate).round(0.001)++" - " ++((sampleNum+512)/sfSampleRate).round(0.001)++" secs"; ftext.string = " Bin freq: "++binf.round(0.001)++" - "++nextbinf.round(0.001)++" Hz"; }; spctrgrm.mouseMoveAction = spctrgrm.mouseDownAction; } ); ( ~loadSpectrogram= Routine({ var half = Array.series(fftsize /2); clrspctrgrm.value; spectrumArray.size.do{|n| readSlice.value(winStepArray[n],n); 0.0001.wait; spectrumArray.put(n, analyzeSlice.value(sfSliceArray).abs.at(half).abs); 0.0001.wait; }; "Done".postln; displaySonogram.value; }) ); Buffer.freeAll; Window.closeAll; //////////// // // GUI // /////////// //Window win = Window("Spectrum and Spectrogram", Rect(20, 4000, 1260, 960), false).front; win.view.background_(Color.new(0.52692360877991, 0.46053557395935, 0.30619597434998)); win.alpha_(0.98); win.onClose = {Buffer.freeAll; "Adiós".postln;"".postln}; //Open file to analyze openButton = Button.new(win, Rect(30, 0, 130, 20)) .states_([["Select sound file", Color.black, Color.new(0.63915638923645, 0.61455166339874, 0.3189784526825)]]) .action_({ Dialog.openPanel( okFunc: { |path| sfPath = path; soundFile = SoundFile.new; soundFile.openRead(path); sfSampleRate = soundFile.sampleRate; "sfSampleRate; ".post;sfSampleRate.postln; sfBuf = Buffer.readChannel(s, path, channels:0); sfview.soundfile_(soundFile); sfview.read(0, soundFile.numFrames); sfview.timeCursorOn = true; sfview.timeCursorPosition = 0; cursorFrame = 0; sfview.gridResolution = 1; sfview.mouseUpAction.value(sfview); // why this? //sfselDisp.value = loadDisp.value(cursorFrame); sfview.setSelectionStart(0,0); sfview.setSelectionSize(0,0) }, cancelFunc: {"cancelled"} ); }); //sfView sfview = SoundFileView.new(win, Rect(30, 20, 1200, 100)); sfview.mouseUpAction = {arg view; cursorFrame = sfview.timeCursorPosition; "Cursor at frame: ".post; cursorFrame.postln; "".postln; sfSelection = sfview.selections[sfview.currentSelection]; "selection start, size: ".post; sfSelection.postln; "selection duration: ".post; (sfSelection[1] / sfSampleRate).postln;"".postln; sgrmBuf = Buffer.readChannel(s, sfPath, sfSelection[0], sfSelection[1], 0); winStepArray=Array.series((sfSelection[1] - windowsize).div(overlap), 0, overlap); stepsNum=winStepArray.size; spectrumArray=DoubleArray.newClear(fftsize/2)!(stepsNum); }; // zoom and scroll buttons zoButton= Button.new(win, Rect(30, 120, 50, 30)) .states_([["-"]]) .action_({sfview.zoom(2).refresh}); ziButton= Button.new(win, Rect(80, 120, 50, 30)) .states_([["+"]]) .action_({sfview.zoom(0.75).refresh}); slButton= Button.new(win, Rect(150, 120, 50, 30)) .states_([["<-"]]) .action_({sfview.scroll(-0.1).refresh}); srButton= Button.new(win, Rect(200, 120, 50, 30)) .states_([["->"]]) .action_({sfview.scroll(0.1).refresh}); // FFT Analysis Button sfDispButton= Button.new(win, Rect(250, 120, 250, 30)) .states_([["Analyze spectrum at cursor",Color.black, Color.new(0.76396951675415, 0.87935035228729, 0.62494311332703)]]) .action_({ AppClock.play(~loadFFT.reset); }); // Sonogram Analysis Button sonogramButton= Button.new(win, Rect(500, 120, 250, 30)) .states_([["Display Selection Sonogram",Color.black, Color.new(0.76396951675415, 0.87935035228729, 0.62494311332703)]]) .action_({ (sfSelection[1]!=0).if( {AppClock.play(~loadSpectrogram.reset)}, {"Select a region in the Sound file View for Spectrogram display first!".postln} ); }); // Play SF selection sonogramButton= Button.new(win, Rect(750, 120, 250, 30)) .states_([["Play Selection",Color.black, Color.new(0.76396951675415, 0.87935035228729, 0.62494311332703)]]) .action_({ (sfSelection[1]!=0).if( {{PlayBuf.ar(sfBuf.numChannels, sfBuf,1,1,sfSelection[0])* EnvGen.ar( Env.new([0,1,1,0],[0.001,0.998,0.001]*sfSelection[1]/sfSampleRate), doneAction:2)}!2 }.play, {"Select a region in the Sound file View for Spectrogram display first!".postln} ); }); // 512 samples of sound file display sfselDisp = Plotter.new(bounds: Rect(30, 150, 1200, 100),parent: win); sfselDisp.value=[0]; // FFT display fftDisp = Plotter.new(bounds: Rect(30, 280, 1200, 100),parent: win); fftDisp.value = Array.fill(fftsize/2, {0}); fftDisp.domainSpecs = [0, (sfSampleRate / 2), \lin,0,0,"Hz"].asSpec; fftDisp.refresh; // init spectrogram clear display clrspctrgrm.value; "FFT analysis of 512 samples of any sound file".postln; "".postln; "1) select a sound file".postln; "2) Position the cursor at the point in the soundfile you want to analyze and click 'Analyze Spectrum at cursor' button for a display of the spectrum at that instant".postln; "3) Select a region in the sound file display and click 'Display selection sonogram' button for a spectrogam of the selection. Be careful not to select a very long segment or it will take a VERY LONG time to compute and dispay the spectrogram (anything under 3 seconds is ok)".postln; "".postln; }); )