«Pisano Melodies» by henk.lasschuit
on 15 Apr'14 21:55 inPisano Periods are used to generate melodies
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/* The Fibonacci-sequence as controlsignal: melodies from Pisano Periods. Because the sequence runs more or less exponentially, it seems best to assign the values to frequencies. */ s.boot; SynthDef( \puls, {|freq=30, out| Out.ar(out, SinOsc.ar(freq, mul: 0.5*EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01,0.75), doneAction: 2)),0) }).add; ( m=3000; //max index, 5 minutes = 300 when dur=0.1 a=Array.newClear(m);//two arrays to store numbers from the Pisano Periods b=Array.newClear(m); a.put(0,0); a.put(1,1); d=2; //even divisor i=2; //index while ({i<m}, { //fill array a with numbers from the even Pisano Periods a.put(i, (a[i-2]+a[i-1])%d); if ((a[i]==1)&&(a[i-1]==0), {d=d+2}); i=i+1; }); d.postln; b.put(0,0); b.put(1,1); d=3; //odd divisor i=2; //index while ({i<m}, { //fill array b with numbers from the odd Pisano Periods b.put(i, (b[i-2]+b[i-1])%d); if ((b[i]==1)&&(b[i-1]==0), {d=d+2}); i=i+1; }); d.postln; ) ( Pbind( \instrument, \puls, \out, 0, //array a plays in left channel \dur, 0.1, \freq, Pseq((1+a)*30) //steps of 30Hz ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \puls, \out, 1, //array b plays in right channel \dur, 0.1, \freq, Pseq((1+b)*30) ).play; )