«game of life» by Raver_Ale
on 10 Sep'14 22:20 ina work in progress implementation of conway's game of life. some stuff still not working properly. Used the 1d cellular automaton by the berlin sc-group as reference.
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( var xSize = 60; var ySize = 60; var scale = 10; var waitDur = 0.3; var win = Window.new("game of lyf", Rect(0, 0, xSize*scale, ySize*scale)); var uview; var arr, buf, initFunc, iterFunc, startIter, finalize, task, iter; var xPos, yPos; initFunc = { arr = Array.fill2D(xSize,ySize,{ [0, 1, 1, 0, 0].choose }); ~arr = arr; }; uview = UserView.new(win, Rect(0, 0, xSize*scale, ySize*scale)); uview.clearOnRefresh = true; uview.drawFunc = { |uview| xSize.do { |x| ySize.do { |y| Pen.fillColor = if(~arr[x][y]>0, {Color.black},{Color.white}); Pen.fillRect(Rect(x * scale,y * scale, scale, scale)); Pen.fill; } } }; // TODO: // __borders not working correctly // __rules slightly off ... iterFunc = { var state, localArr, border, xP, yP; border = arr.size - 1; ySize.do{ |y| xSize.do{ |x| xP = x; yP = y; localArr = Array.fill2D(3, 3, { |y, x| var xPos, yPos; xPos = x + xP - 1; yPos = y + yP - 1; if( yPos == -1, { 0 }, { if( yPos >= border, { 0 }, { if( xPos == -1, { 0 }, { if ( xPos >= border, { 0 }, { ~arr[xPos][yPos] }) }) }) }); }); state = localArr.sum.sum; //localArr.postln; //state.postln; if(~arr[xP][yP] == 1, { state = state - 1; if(state < 2, { ~arr[xP][yP] = 0 }); if(state > 3, { ~arr[xP][yP] = 0 }); }); if(~arr[xP][yP] == 0, { if(state == 3, { ~arr[xP][yP] = 1 }); }); } }; }; startIter = { initFunc.value; task = iter.fork(AppClock); }; iter = { inf.do{ //"---------------------------------------------------".postln; uview.refresh; waitDur.wait; iterFunc.value; } }; finalize = { task.stop; }; win.front; win.onClose = finalize.value; startIter.value; )
line 25 (Pen.fill) is unneeded. Pen.fillRect is enough to draw. that'll save you a little bit of cpu.
and actually, because you clear the window on each refresh, it's enough to only draw the black dots. like this...
//replace lines 18-28 with this: uview = UserView.new(win, Rect(0, 0, xSize*scale, ySize*scale)); uview.clearOnRefresh = true; uview.background= Color.white; uview.drawFunc = { |uview| Pen.fillColor= Color.black; xSize.do { |x| ySize.do { |y| if(~arr[x][y]>0, { Pen.addRect(Rect(x * scale,y * scale, scale, scale)); }); } }; Pen.fill; };
also see this game of life + ca implementation http://www.fredrikolofsson.com/f0blog/?q=node/43
Hey, thanks for the tips!
I just don't know what the if(~arr[x][y]>) does it throws an arrow for me because i didn't declare it. Is it a shorthand for something?
@raffaelseyfried: this is an html glitch, you must read ~arr[x][y] > 0 (gt stand for greater than)