«sine ocean» by eli.fieldsteel
on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase
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( //fundamental pitch triad ~notes = [45,55,60].midicps; s.waitForBoot({ Routine{ SynthDef.new(\tone, { arg freq=440, pan=0, rel=0.05; var sig; sig = SinOsc.ar(freq); sig = sig * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.005,rel), doneAction:2); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan, 0.05); Out.ar(0, sig); }).add; s.sync; 50.do{ Pbind( \instrument, \tone, //trace some event times just for fun \dur, Pseq(Array.geom(50, rrand(1.5,1.51), rrand(0.923,0.929)).mirror,inf).trace, \freq, exprand(~notes[0],8000).round(~notes[0]), \pan, rrand(-1.0,1.0), \rel, exprand(0.005,0.35), ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \tone, \dur, Pseq(Array.geom(50, rrand(1.5,1.51), rrand(0.923,0.929)).mirror,inf), \freq, exprand(~notes[1],11000).round(~notes[1]), \pan, rrand(-1.0,1.0), \rel, exprand(0.005,0.35), ).play; Pbind( \instrument, \tone, \dur, Pseq( Array.geom(50, rrand(1.5,1.51), rrand(0.923,0.929)).mirror,inf ), \freq, exprand(~notes[2],15000).round(~notes[2]), \pan, rrand(-1.0,1.0), \rel, exprand(0.005,0.35), ).play; }; }.play(AppClock); }); )