Search for «SynthDef»doc code in class tags


by LFSaw on 29 Jul'12 17:06 in player

listen and see

Chicago Chord Pad

by headchant on 28 Jul'12 21:48 in techno chicago pad

rough sketch of chicago minor chord pad thing

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)retro (1)

pattern morphing

by grirgz on 27 Jul'12 05:18 in pattern morphing event

A pattern which do morphing between two event pattern (cross-fading synth arguments)

reception: cool (1)morphing (1)


by DSastre on 22 Jul'12 21:20 in scifi star wars fm r2d2

A "computer babble" sound and a FM Synthesizer for computer noises. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell.

reception: educational (2)nice (2)awesome (1)


by DSastre on 16 Jul'12 17:11 in nature lifeforms insects

Different insect sounds, including field crickets, a cicada and a housefly. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell.

reception: natural (1)educational (2)awesome (1)

sctweets by redFrik

by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 in tweets

my collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with

reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)


by vividsnow on 06 Jul'12 04:47 in noise experimental synth

synthdef based on morphing cycled envelope

reception: frightening (1)


by rukano on 19 Jun'12 02:00 in sequencer

Just for fun and a demonstration of gui/2Darrays/synths/tasks in less than 30 lines.

risset bells

by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 May'12 11:27 in metallic bell

an exact port of a pd (pure-data) example patch.

reception: natural (1)nice (2)

SlimLauncher 1.0

by Schemawound on 09 May'12 15:07 in gui class launcher tool extension helper

Blog post describing this class:

reception: useful (1)

Epic Sax Guy (cheap version)

by rukano on 09 May'12 00:17 in epic sax guy sax trumpet pop

Again, just an exercise to get this tune out of my head. I was actually trying out the Stk plugins, but the sax there is quite cheesy. Not it's replac

The Tunnel

by Schemawound on 18 Apr'12 16:47 in noise drone

This code contains three sections, the first defines the synthdef. The second starts up the synth and the GUI for playing with the presets live. Th


by Henk Lasschuit on 03 Apr'12 23:14 in chance numer to pitch distribution sound and image

Confetti2 is an old project that I wrote for my first toy computer, the Aquarius by Mattel. I liked the sound of it so much, that I rewrote it for eve

reception: greetings from maryanne amacher (1)

The City Breathing

by nufets on 01 Apr'12 21:55 in noise city street interactive

an installation-setup

Series of numbers

by Henk Lasschuit on 29 Mar'12 16:59 in series of numbers

In his book "Schema's voor programmeren" (Diagrams for programming, Kluwer, Deventer, 1988) Andree Hollander introduces a simple algorithm for generat


by Henk Lasschuit on 06 Mar'12 18:52 in rain thunder wind

A thunderstorm, made with SuperCollider. There are three layers of sounds: rain, wind and thunder. There is a global envelope controlling the densit

reception: natural (1)complex (1)

Goodnight World

by Schemawound on 06 Mar'12 17:14 in phasing

Experimenting with some Reich style phasings Audio:

blipecho context

by vividsnow on 01 Mar'12 14:08 in echo feedback code fork klangs

sample mash-up from "Funky Klangs" and "Re: Dub Echo"

reception: funky (1)

Funky Klangs

by Schemawound on 23 Feb'12 15:50 in funky klangs

Just experimenting with patterns

Re: Dub Echo using LocalIn + LocalOut (and Ping Pong)

by rukano on 22 Feb'12 13:41 in dub echo spacecho feedback code fork

Fork of Bjorn's Dub echo, rewritten w/o the Feedback Quark (using LocalIn + LocalOut) and adding a ping pong (can be removed by deleting the .reverse