
Naugatuck, CT

Schemawound is a solo electronic project of J.Siemasko. Free from the constraints of genre Schemawound is free to evolve and change with every release.

I have previously been involved with a/b HNT records, 203Noise and the Lungs and Paper collective.

I have many albums available for free download at my personal page listed above.

If you are interested in remixes, collaborations, etc. feel free to contact me here.

Most of my current material is made in Renoise, Reaper or Supercollider but I have used a vast variety of software and hardware on previous projects.

Schemawound's code

Launchpad Spiral

18 May'16 19:41 in

Just a quick demo of making a spiral pattern on a Novation Launchpad Mini Visual of it here:

Guitar In The Desert

16 Jul'13 06:53 in Guitar In The Desert

Audio Sample:

A Landscape In Ruin

05 Jul'13 14:04 in ambientgenerativeabstract

Appears on the free compilation "I PREFER THE TERM ARTIFICIAL PERSON MYSELF: A Compilation of Machine​-​Made Audio" Available as a free download from Kill Collector Culture


21 Jun'13 19:48 in fxLoopfxLoop

Code for using Supercollider as a realtime livecode FX processor for audio input. Blog post explaing this code:

Autumn moonlight - a worm digs silently into the chestnut

14 Jun'13 21:23 in ambientdrone

By Schemawound - All code by Jonathan Siemasko Created for The Haiku Project by Subterranean Tide - Description: Each artist has contributed a three track release in increments of five minutes, seven minutes, and five minutes accompanied by a Haiku poem. Each song represents the line of the poem including title and reflection. Source Haiku: Autumn moonlight— a worm digs silently into the chestnut. - Basho Matsuo

The Unfunky Drummer

30 May'13 19:02 in randomunfunkydrumchaos

The Unfunky Drummer - Insert samples, extract joy. Code by Jonathan Siemasko NOTE: Set values for ~synthDefToUse, ~rate and ~source before running.

Dirty FM Shuffle

2 2

Just a dirty FM bass shuffling

A Map To Everything [Disquiet0062-LifeOfSine]

2 1
25 Mar'13 17:20 in sinedisquiet juntodisquietjunto

This week’s project involves making music from the basic building block of sound: the sine wave. You will compose and record a piece of music using just three different sine waves, and nothing else — well, nothing else in terms of source material, but the waves can, after the piece has gotten underway, be transformed by any means you choose. These are the steps: Step 1: Devise which three sine waves you will employ. They should be different from each other in some evident way. Step 2: The track should open with just one of the sine waves. Step 3: Add the second sine wave at 5 seconds. Step 4: Add the third sine wave at 10 seconds. Step 5: Only at 15 seconds should you begin to in any way manipulate any of the source waves. Frequencies Used: 125Hz, 237Hz, 1012Hz My Process: Coding up something quickly in Supercollider on lunch break and did final adjustments at home. I decided to see how much I could get out of the sound of just the three sines without any effects. The click is created by purposely cutting the waveform at non-zero crossings. Every other sound is made from adding or multiplying the three sines. This is my 10th piece for the Disquiet Junto and the second piece I have created using only sine waves. Blog post and audio about the piece:

UFO Landing

Here is some quick code that sounds like an old sci-fi UFO landing.

FM Patterns Tweet


2 Dseq patterns modulating each other. Speed of each pattern controlled by a mouse axis

Record Slow Tweet

2 1

Rhythmic mouse controlled tweet that sounds sort of like a turntable slowing down. Kinda.

Metal Pattern Tweet

25 Mar'13 17:02 in sctweetmetal

Vocal Drone Tweet

25 Mar'13 17:01 in sctweetdronevocal

Explanation of this piece -


21 Feb'13 20:40 in


14 Jan'13 03:15 in BEASTS(Homunculus-Basilisk)

"BEASTS(Homunculus-Basilisk)" By Schemawound Released by Dystimbria []( All code by Jonathan Siemasko Contains samples from: Llais-saL by Alan Morse Davies A Strange Seed by C. Reider Swamp Monsters, Secret Prisons by Cinchel A Brief Compendium of Silence by Phillip Wilkerson Artwork by Jonathan Siemasko Source Photo by Dan Newkirk []( DESCRIPTION: This track is created almost entirely from 9 snippets taken from the 4 tracks listed. These are resequenced, repitched and run through a number of effects using Supercollider. For free download please visit [](


AudioJournal by Jonathan Siemasko Inspired by Disquiet Junto project 0051: This code will take 12 files (one representing each month) and make a chronological mix of random sections of each piece. INSTRUCTIONS: Set audiojournal to a location on your harddrive containing WAV files with the following 12 names: 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' WAV files must be stereo.

Telegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat]


Telegraph Incantation [disquiet0050-morsebeat] By Schemawound All code by Jonathan Siemasko Blog post about this track: DESCRIPTION: This week’s project explores invokes Morse Code for its rhythmic content. The instructions are as follows: Select a word or phrase. Encode that word or phrase by the Morse method. Record a rhythmic foundation in which the dash is represented by a long beat and the dot by a brief one. Use that rhythmic foundation as a loop for the length of your track, at the speed you desire — speed can vary over the length of the recording. Record accompanying drone/melodic material that takes the underlying rhythm as its compositional foundation. More on this 50th Disquiet Junto project at: More details on the Disquiet Junto at:



MORSE by Jonathan Siemasko []( Function to take a string and convert it to morse code. Handles a-z, A-Z and 0-9 Parameters allow you to adjust the space between letters and words These parameters default to international morse code as shown on []( NOTE: wordSpace must be equal to or greater than letterSpace. Created to assist my work on [DISQUIET JUNTO PROJECT 0050: -…….–.-..-…-](

Unloop Antidote [Disquiet0048-libertederive]


Unloop Antidote [disquiet0048-libertederive] By Schemawound All code by Jonathan Siemasko All sound sampled from the releases mentioned below NOTE: ~media.disquiet just points to the directory containing the files. DESCRIPTION: This Disquiet Junto project was done as a celebration of the efforts of the Three Legs Duck netlabel, and to support its employment of licenses that allow for derivative works. This track is comprised of three pieces of music, all originally released on Three Legs Duck: “Unloop Hullaballoo” off The Fleet’s Lit Up by Alex Charles and Richard Sanderson, “Etude” off Emosphere by !Kung, and “04:54AM” off Four AM at Dusk Jérôme Poirier. More on the Three Legs Duck netlabel, and the original versions of these tracks, at More on this 48th Disquiet Junto project at: More details on the Disquiet Junto at:

Please Hold (Extended)

"Please Hold (Extended)" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

Any Moment

03 Sep'12 15:01 in Any MomentAny Moment

"Any Moment" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:


03 Sep'12 15:00 in DuskDusk

"Dusk" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

Fall Asleep Walking

"Fall Asleep Walking" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

Sound Check (Extended)

03 Sep'12 14:58 in Sound Check (Extended)

"Sound Check (Extended)" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:


03 Sep'12 14:58 in DawnDawn

"Dawn" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

Hymncycle (Second Phase)

03 Sep'12 14:57 in ambientnoisedrone

"Hymncycle (Second Phase)" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

The Crawl (Extended)

03 Sep'12 14:57 in ambientnoisedrone

"The Crawl (Extended)" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

The Same Color As Your Skin (Extended)

03 Sep'12 14:55 in ambientdrone

"The Same Color As Your Skin (Extended)" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Code by Jonathan Siemasko Contact: Homepage:

Hello World, I Am Lonely Too

"Hello World, I Am Lonely Too" by Schemawound Appears on the album "They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still." Full album is available for download from Blog post about the creation of this track Code by Jonathan Siemasko (Additional Code by Carl Testa - ) Contact: Homepage:

The Crawl

16 Aug'12 17:26 in

Schemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at Blog post about this track:

Please Hold

16 Aug'12 17:25 in

Schemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at Blog post about this track:

Sound Check

16 Aug'12 17:24 in

Schemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at Blog post about this track:

By The Throat

16 Aug'12 17:22 in

Schemawound track from "Waxen Wings Presents: Se7en Seconds in Hea7en". A Collection of 71 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. The compilation is available for free download from Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen at Blog post about this track:



Schemawound track for Waxen Wing's "Give Me A Sine" compilation. Compilation Description: All songs written using ONLY sine waves in their creation. All oscillations, modulations, lfo's, envelopes, etc, use only sine waves. No samples or outside source audio were permitted on this releases, unless of course the samples were of pure sine waves. Download includes full 8 panel artwork and extensive liner notes on each piece written by each artist. Download the free compilation here: Blog post about the creation of this track:

Burn It To Disc Then Burn The Disc

15 Aug'12 12:53 in noisesignalvoid

Schemawound track from the SIGNALVOID compilation. SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the free compilation here: or Physical copies are available here Blog post about the creation of this track

The Same Color As Your Skin

15 Aug'12 12:51 in ambientsignalvoidfiltered

Schemawound track from the SIGNALVOID compilation. SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the free compilation here: or Physical copies are available here Blog post about the creation of this track

The Piano

15 Aug'12 12:48 in ambientsignalvoidreverb

Schemawound track from the SIGNALVOID compilation. SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the free compilation here: or Physical copies are available here Blog post about the creation of this track

FX For Bass Guitar

Interesting delay FX for audio input tweet. I only tried it on bass guitar but would likely work on anything. Seems to sound better on shorter, percussive notes.

Melting Circus Tweet

16 May'12 05:52 in tweetatonalmeltcircus

A tweet that sounds like a circus melting (in space)

3 Tweets - 4/20/12

09 May'12 16:01 in sinetweetnoisedronerhythm

3 Tweets created on 4/20/12

SlimLauncher 1.0


Blog post describing this class: