LFSaw's code
Simple FM template with additive mixing of modulators
Template to create a 2x3 FM Synth. There are two independent FM synths, of type `car(mod1(mod2))`. all carriers and modulators are collected together and are mixed to the output according to `adLevels`. This is intended to be a starting point for further exploration.
Simple FM template
Template to create a 2x3 FM Synth. There are two independent FM synths, of type `car(mod1(mod2))`. This is intended to be a starting point for further exploration.
MIDI value recorder
1simple MIDI data recorder. records MIDI into an array. Save data as ".mid" file (readable e.g. by Ableton Live).
1Example sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques
Example sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques
electric hum
Example sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques
running water (simple)
Example sound explored in the temporary event Creating soundscapes with live coding techniques https://temporary.fi/experiments/creating-soundscapes-with-live-coding-techniques Point of departure was: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Designing_Sound_in_SuperCollider/Running_water
MIDIFile player with CC capability
Play a midi file and include CC value changes. Code taken from sc-users mailinglist. http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.nabble.com/simpleMIDIfile-play-via-MIDIOut-including-CC-td7632193.html
DFM & Greyhole dronin'
1 1Exploring sonic possibilities of the DFM and Greyhole UGens.
Ambience Maker
7Create (atm. constant) wind and rain. Infinite possibilities! Easily expandable! A breeze!
Basic Ableton Push control with Modality
Example on how to interface SuperCollider with Ableton Push via [Modality](http://modalityteam.github.io/) toolkit. (I only have the first version here, send me a second version and I'll make it compatible with that ;) )
Amplitude modulation with a Rossler attractor.
1uses the RosslerL implementation found in [MCLDUgens](https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins).
etude wild LC
end version of the live coding session [etude wild LC](https://lfsaw.bandcamp.com/track/etude-wild-lc), an experimentation around the theme of [sonic wilderness intervention](http://fieldnotes.hybridmatters.net/posts/sonic-wild-code). [TAI studio](http://tai-studio.org)
mpd18UseCase -- FRP style
Example Modality implementation for the MPD18 [usecase](https://github.com/ModalityTeam/ModalityStuff/blob/master/cookbook/mpd18UseCase/mpd18UseCase.md) ## Jeffs "simple" MPD18 use case (JNCv2) The MPD18 has 16 Buttons and a slider. + [Sound Buttons] Buttons 1-3 are mapped to adsr enveloped sound sources. + By pushing them down sound turns on; releasing: sound off. + the Slider sets amplitude (or pitch) for the (sound)source of the currently depressed button. + [Memory Slots] Buttons 5-16 represent 'memory' positions (initially not mapped) + if sound is assigned (see below), sound is played when button depressed. + [Shift Button] Button 4 is a 'shift key'. When depressed 1. Sound Buttons don't trigger any sound but select the active slot. This can be followed by 2. depressing a Memory Slot button, which assigns the selected sound to that pad. 3. if you release the shift key before assignment, nothing happens. 4. assigning a copy to an already assigned memory slot replaces existing 5. mute copy +[Sound Button then Shift button] 1. Sound Button triggers sound 2. depress Memory Slot button, assigning the sound to the pad, with sound ## Variant + Several (up to three) sound buttons can be assigned to a memory slot + slider informs all sounds assigned to a memory slot ### Further Variation + include velocity and aftertouch from pads + press shift button then memory slot (w/o pressing sound button) clears memory + play sound using 2 to 4 dim fan out w/ aftertouch and slider + slider no longer applies to amplitude + velocity to amplitude + button then shift. + shift starts to record control data from aftertouch + release shift to stop recording. + aftertouch recording (looped) is applied to that source for some param + double click shift key then sound source to remove recorded source param
Re: network of loosely connected nodes (now working)
Idea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (gradually) adapt their pulsation freq (and phase?) to the one of the input. sound example: https://soundcloud.com/lfsaw/sync-weakconnection-tduty-time
ComparFeedback implements an FM feedback matrix based on the ComplexRes UGen. The number of nodes can be set when defining the synthesis engine. ComparFeedback implements a superset of the Compar system (see Compar.scd in this folder). This code example accompanies the paper "Dynamic FM synthesis using a network of complex resonator filters" by Julian Parker and Till Bovermann. See http://tai-studio.org/index.php/projects/complexres/ for details.
Compar is a feed-forward resonator network featuring three ComplexRes nodes (available from https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins ). This code example accompanies the paper "Dynamic FM synthesis using a network of complex resonator filters" by Julian Parker and Till Bovermann. see http://tai-studio.org/index.php/projects/complexres/ for details.
Compar is a feed-forward resonator network featuring three ComplexRes nodes (available from https://github.com/supercollider/sc3-plugins ). This code example accompanies the paper "Dynamic FM synthesis using a network of complex resonator filters" by Julian Parker and Till Bovermann. see http://tai-studio.org/index.php/projects/complexres/ for details.
color picker
A simple color picker. Posts picked color to the postwindow. Based on (non-functional) code found at http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/MusicTechnology/868 (scsolar 2007)
simple peak detection algorithm
after http://www.tcs-trddc.com/trddc_website/pdf/SRL/Palshikar_SAPDTS_2009.pdf
network of loosely connected nodes
Idea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (gradually) adapt their pulsation freq (and phase?) to the one of the input. sound example: https://soundcloud.com/lfsaw/sync-weakconnection-tduty-time
Mono2eN - Ndef, slightly altered
The ndef version of the mono2eN system, slightly adapted - a multichannel autospatilisation musical performance tool.
NDef FM synthesis for beginners
Restricting fm to harmonic sidebands after[Chowning, 1973]. Restriction actually happens because of the specs, not server-side. ----- Chowning, J. (1973). The synthesis of complex spectra by means of frequency modulation. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 21(7):526–534
wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting, language implementation (pattern-based)
1wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting. Re-implemented according to Julian Parker's m4l patch. Derived from an answer by Sergio Luque to a mail to the sc-users SuperCollider mailing list on 2013/03/22
wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting, language implementation (task-based)
wiard noise ring variation using a ringbuffer instead of bitshifting. Reimplemented according to Julian Parker's m4l patch.
wiard noise ring, language implementation (task-based)
"In latter model synthesizers, digital noise sources began to appear in place of analog ones. Traditionally, a psuedo-random shift register set up for optimal length. By optimal length, it is meant that every state of all available bits will appear at some time, but the order is unknown. Essentially a counter that counts in an unknown order. This represents the maximum state of information "entropy" available for that number of bits. But music has close self-similarity over short periods of time. That is, it repeats itself with changes appearing slowly. This shift register generator is designed to give control of the rate of appearance of new information. It has a tight set of controls over how random it actually is and how fast change occurs. (text from http://mamonu.weebly.com/wiard-noisering.html)
(mono) looper on Ndef basis
very basic, more explanation and a sound example here: http://tai-studio.org/index.php/2013/02/looper/
SyncSaw madness
1Based on the answer to my question if there is a synced oscillator on SuperCollider, I played with SyncSaw as suggested by JmC.
Re: Load and play samples from GUI (Qt GUI only), adapted to use SoundFile:cue
3 1*Needs Qt GUI (VLayout)* ----- Basic GUI for loading samples and playing them via button presses. Differences to the original version by rukano: + adapted to use SoundFile:cue + you can start and stop playing the samples
LFSaw's comments