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fast fm windchimes 4 fealty

by s2s2s2s2s on 18 Jun'22 03:24 in i loike windchimes


Unomalia Ambient 2

by TatriX on 24 May'22 20:11 in ambient

Slightly dark ambient


by eli.rosenkim on 20 Apr'22 19:28 in formant just intonation hordijk basimal decimal partch integers

function that extracts repeating digits in "basimal" representations of ratios

music for airports inspired generative music

by infinite digits on 01 Dec'21 18:32 in ambient drone piano eno

this is a infinite generative song based on Eno's Music for Airports. I realize this could be split up into different SynthDef's and sequenced with

magic sparkly rainbow!!!!!!<3

by daisystomper on 13 Aug'21 22:56 in scales sparkly

some scale stuff by a novice-SC lovable unicorn


by Oscar Recarte on 11 Jul'21 08:50 in beats drone fm instrument synthesis synthdef synthesis techniques frequency modulation sound design

Polyrhythmic and dynamic FM drone. More detailed info (in Spanish) at

Bjorklund Toy

by rinalka1227 on 21 Apr'21 17:01 in pluck bjorklund

Toy built to facilitate experimenting with Bjourklund to step through two different 'chords'. The "onChord" is used in some way for each Bjorklund hi

Meandering Sines

by emergent on 06 Mar'21 15:29 in ambient drone low

8 sine waves, each with a slightly meandering frequency, random phase, slowly varying amplitude, slowly wandering through the stereo field; pitches ar


by henklass on 01 Jan'21 23:19 in math feigenbaum bifurcation

Moaning and groaning SuperCollider draws Feigenbaum's bifurcation graph... This project was inspired by this video:

GUI to generate scale- and arpeggio-like fragments in Just Intonation

by jordanwhitede on 20 Dec'20 15:03 in gui just intonation

I developed this to help me work on hearing and playing in just intonation. It's my first GUI so feedback is very welcome, but it works basically ok f

LfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments

by bernhard on 10 Dec'20 12:56 in

LfBrownNoise and Gendy Experiments for a course at HKB Bern

Eternal Elevator Ensemble

by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 in space patterns pads generative eternal music meditation majestic calm vastness

Legend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip

Fireflies Intro - Owl City

by eli.fieldsteel on 25 Oct'20 19:20 in song pop music imitation

re-creation of the introduction to Fireflies by Owl City (original video:

In-between, longing

by jpdrecourt on 29 Sep'20 23:04 in algorithmic composition voice electroacoustic

This is the full code of the piece "In-between, longing" posted here for reference. For a brief explanation of some of the features of the code, pleas

SC Jazz

by suhelkeswani on 28 Aug'20 23:27 in

control patterns via control bus

by Luka P. on 02 Aug'20 21:01 in acid control busses pattern control

a learning example where you can control patterns with running ugens via control bus. acid-like.

reception: useful (1)

4 operator phase modulation synth

by david_morgan on 10 May'20 19:56 in phasemodulation fm pm

Note: you can configure more than 4 operators by changing the value of the numops variable.

Danish Poem Sonification

by Jason_SK on 25 Apr'20 15:58 in sonification

Hello! Guldhornene is one of my favourite poems by Adam Oehlenschläger So I decided to sonificate it! SC reads, posts the poem from the txt file

9/8 drum'n strings

by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 16:07 in drums pluck euclidian 98 strings persian turk gipsy

An experiment with euclidian patterns, sampled drums and synthesized strings. Inspired by middle eastern 9/8 rhythms. Replace the samples in the dicti

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