«GUI to generate scale- and arpeggio-like fragments in Just Intonation» by jordanwhitede
on 20 Dec'20 15:03 inI developed this to help me work on hearing and playing in just intonation. It's my first GUI so feedback is very welcome, but it works basically ok for what I want it to!
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/* Simple GUI to generate scale and arpeggio segments of an overtone row above a given fundamental. This is the first GUI I've programmed, so it's certainly not perfect: most notably, all the numbers have to be typed into the boxes before the pattern will run. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or feedback! For non-experienced users: click in row 9 where it says "click here" and press CTRL+ENTER. Start with low volume to be safe :) */ ( // click here s.waitForBoot({ // GUI var numButtons = 4; var numSliders = 5; var numNumberBoxes = 3; var numLabels0 = 5; var numLabels1 = 3; var buttons, sliders, numberBoxes, labels0, labels1, sliderLayout, buttonLayout, numberBoxesLayout, labelsLayout0, labelsLayout1, layout, menu; Window.closeAll; w = Window.new; // objects buttons = numButtons.collect{ Button.new }; sliders = numSliders.collect{ Slider.new.orientation_(\horizontal) }; numberBoxes = numNumberBoxes.collect{ NumberBox.new }; labels0 = numLabels0.collect{ StaticText.new }; labels1 = numLabels1.collect{ StaticText.new }; menu = PopUpMenu.new; // layout buttonLayout = HLayout.new(*buttons); sliderLayout = VLayout.new(*sliders); numberBoxesLayout = HLayout.new(*numberBoxes); labelsLayout0 = VLayout.new(*labels0); labelsLayout1 = HLayout.new(*labels1); //layout = VLayout(sliderLayout, buttonLayout, numberBoxesLayout); layout = VLayout(HLayout(labelsLayout0, sliderLayout), HLayout(buttonLayout, menu), VLayout(numberBoxesLayout, labelsLayout1)); // sliders // Slider 0 - change dur sliders[0].action_({|obj| var val = obj.value; // Scale duration, make sure it is not zero val = val.linlin(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1); ~dur = val; Pdefn(\pDur, ~dur) }); // Slider 1 - change atk sliders[1].action_({|obj| var val = obj.value; val = val.linlin(0.0, 1.0, 0.01, 0.3); ~atk = val; Pdefn(\pAtk, ~atk) }); // Slider 2 - change rel sliders[2].action_({|obj| var val = obj.value; val = val.linlin(0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 10); ~rel = val; Pdefn(\pRel, ~rel) }); // Slider 3 - change amp sliders[3].action_({|obj| var val = obj.value; val = val.linlin(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.75); ~amp = val; Pdefn(\pAmp, ~amp) }); // Slider 4 - change bass amp ~slider4 = sliders[4].action_({|obj| var bassAmp = obj.value; bassAmp = bassAmp.linlin(0.0, 1.0, 0.05, 0.75); ~bassAmp = bassAmp; //x.set(\amp, bassAmp); if( x.isPlaying, {x.set(\amp, ~bassAmp)} ) }); // numberBoxes numberBoxes[0].value_(55) .clipLo_(30) .clipHi_(120) .action_({ arg obj; var val; val = obj.value; ~fundamental = val; Pdefn(\fundamental, ~fundamental); //x.set(\fundamental, ~fundamental); if( x.isPlaying, {x.set(\fundamental, ~fundamental)} ) }) ; numberBoxes[1].value_(10) .step_(1) .clipLo_(5) .clipHi_(30) .action_({ arg obj; var val = obj.value; ~startPartial = val; Pdefn(\startPartial, ~startPartial) }); numberBoxes[2].value_(5) .step_(1) .clipLo_(2) .clipHi_(30) .action_({ arg obj; var val = obj.value; ~numNotes = val; Pdefn(\numNotes, ~numNotes) }); // buttons // Start pattern buttons[0].states_([["Start Pattern", Color.black, Color.gray]]).action_({|obj| Pbindef(\pattern).play; y = Synth(\reverb, [\in, ~reverbBus]); }); // Stop pattern buttons[1].states_([["Stop Pattern", Color.black, Color.gray]]).action_({|obj| Pbindef(\pattern).stop; y.free; }); // Start bass note - to do, try out pmono buttons[2].states_([["Start Bass Note", Color.black, Color.gray]]).action_({|obj| x = Synth(\bass, [\fundamental, ~fundamental.value, \amp, ~slider4.value]).register }); // Stop bass note buttons[3].states_([["Stop Bass Note", Color.black, Color.gray]]).action_({|obj| x.free; }); // Scale or arpeggio /* buttons[4].states_([["Scale", Color.black, Color.gray], ["Arpeggio", Color.black, Color.gray]]).action_({ |obj| var val; val = obj.value; ~step = val + 1; Pdefn(\step, ~step) }); */ // popup menu menu.items_(["Scale ascending", "Scale descending", "Small Arpeggio ascending", "Small Arpeggio descending", "Big Arpeggio ascending", "Big Arpeggio descending"]) .action_( { arg menu; var val = menu.value; case {val == 0} {~step = 1} {val == 1} {~step = -1} {val == 2} {~step = 2} {val == 3} {~step = -2} {val == 4} {~step = 3} {val == 5} {~step= -3}; Pdefn(\step, ~step); } ); // labels - fund, bass amp, start partial, num notes labels0[0].string_("Speed"); labels0[1].string_("Attack"); labels0[2].string_("Release"); labels0[3].string_("Volume"); labels0[4].string_("Bass Volume"); labels1[0].string_("Fundamental"); labels1[1].string_("Start Partial"); labels1[2].string_("Scale Length"); // tidying up w.layout = layout; w.front; // reverb ~reverbBus = Bus.alloc(\audio, s, 2); SynthDef(\reverb, { arg in=0, out=0; var sig; sig = In.ar(in, 2); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; // sounds SynthDef(\blip, { arg fundamental=55, ratio=10, amp=0.25, pan=0, atk=0.02, rel=0.1, out=0; var sig, env; env = Env.perc(atk, rel); env = EnvGen.ar(env, doneAction: 2); sig = SinOsc.ar(fundamental.lag(0.5) * ratio); sig = sig * env * amp.lag(0.5); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan); //sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig); //sig = HPF.ar(sig, 30); //DetectSilence.ar(sig, doneAction: 2); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; SynthDef(\bass, { arg fundamental=55, amp=0.25, pan=0, out=0, lfo=0.1, lpf=1000; var sig, moog; moog = LFNoise1.ar(lfo).exprange(200, 4000); sig = LFSaw.ar(fundamental.lag(0.5)); sig = MoogFF.ar(sig, moog); sig = LPF.ar(sig, lpf); sig = sig * amp.lag(0.5); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, pan); sig = FreeVerb.ar(sig); Out.ar(out, sig); }).add; // basic pattern to control Pbindef(\pattern, \instrument, \blip, \dur, Pdefn(\pDur), \ratio, Pseq([Pseries(Pdefn(\startPartial).asStream, Pdefn(\step), Pdefn(\numNotes).asStream)], inf), \fundamental, Pdefn(\fundamental), \amp, Pdefn(\pAmp), \atk, Pdefn(\pAtk), \rel, Pdefn(\pRel), \pan, 0, //\out, 0 \out, ~reverbBus ); // variables initial values ~dur = 1.0; ~atk = 0.05; ~rel = 0.1; ~amp = 0.25; ~bassAmp = 0.3; ~fundamental = 55; ~startPartial = 10; ~numNotes = 5; ~step = 1; }; ); )