«Meandering Sines» by emergent
on 06 Mar'21 15:29 in8 sine waves, each with a slightly meandering frequency, random phase, slowly varying amplitude, slowly wandering through the stereo field; pitches are chosen from a given chord that is changing at intervals between 18 and 20 seconds.
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// Meandering Sines ( // chord choosing function ~chords = Dictionary.new; ~chords.add(\fifth -> [1, 1.5, 2]); ~chords.add(\maj6 -> [1, 1.2, 1.6, 2]); ~chords.add(\min6 -> [1, 1.25, 1.666, 2]); ~chords.add(\maj7 -> [1, 1.25, 1.875, 2]); // write pitches into array ~dronenotes = [ {~chords[\fifth].choose}!8 * 44.midicps, {~chords[\maj6].choose}!8 * 41.midicps, {~chords[\fifth].choose}!8 * 44.midicps, {~chords[\min6].choose}!8 * 40.midicps ]; s.waitForBoot({ s.sync; // instrument definition SynthDef.new(\sine, { var sig, env; env = Env.asr(\atk.ir(0.05), 0.75, \rel.ir(2)).kr(2, \gate.kr(1)); sig = SinOsc.ar( \freq.kr(220, \freqlag.kr(1.2)) + SinOsc.kr({Rand(0.02, 0.06)}, 0, {Rand(0.1, 2.0)}), // frequency: slowly meandering a bit {Rand(0.0, 2pi)}, // phase SinOsc.kr({Rand(1/60, 3/60)}).range(0.2, 0.5)); // meandering amplitude sig = sig * env * \amp.kr(0.2, 0.2); sig = Pan2.ar(sig, SinOsc.kr(\panfreq.ir(1/10), {Rand(0.0, pi)}, {Rand(0.1, 0.99)})); // meandering panning Out.ar(\out.kr(0), sig); }).add; s.sync; Pbindef(\drones, \instrument, \sine, \freq, Pseq(~dronenotes,inf), \amp, 0.06, \dur, Pwhite(18, 30), \atk, Pwhite(3.2, 4), \legato, 1.1, \out, 0 ); s.sync; "done".postln; }); ) // start performance Pbindef(\drones).play; // finish performance Pbindef(\drones).stop; // wait until sound is off ( Pbindef(\drones).clear; s.quit; )