Search for «WhiteNoise»doc code in class tags
Shane Demo
by Bjorn Westergard on 02 Mar'13 01:30 inSomething I whipped up talking to my buddy Shane.
glitchy noise
by AdamArmfield on 24 Feb'13 13:40 inmouse controls lfo volume in the x axis and band pass filter cut off in y, bit of randomness on the cutoffs and mucho glitchiness results
vinyl noise emulation
by michael.dzjaparidze on 01 Feb'13 17:17 inCame across this when browsing through my SC files. An attempt at emulating an old, dusty record including pops and crackles.
reception: natural (1)educational (1)nice (1)simulation (1)cumbia dormilona
by kyv on 21 Dec'12 09:13 inPpar two intrument cumbia base. I'm just beginning to learn supercollider so I'm interested in feedback. The synths are modified from what sources on
by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:17 inA "toy" engine, a four cylinder engine with slugging speed and an advanced engine example. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by
reception: educational (1)simulation (1)andy farnell (1)Motors
by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:12 inbased on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 44, Practical 21, Motors)
reception: andy farnell (1)Electricity
by DSastre on 22 Nov'12 17:06 inHum and spark sounds. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 39, Practical 16, Electricity)
reception: andy farnell (1)SC Tweets collection
by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 inSC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012
Scanned Wave Synthesis
by phrontist on 05 Oct'12 21:22 inImpetus provided by this fine thread:
reception: cool (1)spring (1)scanned wave synthesis (1)The Piano
by Schemawound on 15 Aug'12 12:48 inSchemawound track from the SIGNALVOID compilation. SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of e
reception: interesting (1)metallic (1)cool (1)more glitch
by xffff on 09 Aug'12 00:59 inMore afternoon fun. Scale down to 2ch if you need stereo.
chiptune rythms
by josecaos on 05 Aug'12 20:40 inplaying around with few functions, came up with this nice aleatory chiptune breakz!
Sine Wave ...?
by Fumiya Funatsu on 22 Jul'12 17:53 inIt sounds like Sine-Wave, but...
reception: cryptic (1)Insects
by DSastre on 16 Jul'12 17:11 inDifferent insect sounds, including field crickets, a cicada and a housefly. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell.
reception: natural (1)educational (2)awesome (1)Star Trek transporter
by DSastre on 15 Jul'12 17:50 inbased on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 56, Practical 33, Transporter)
reception: educational (1)realistic (1)space (2)awesome (1)star trek (1)