«Shane Demo» by Bjorn Westergard
on 02 Mar'13 01:30 inSomething I whipped up talking to my buddy Shane.
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SynthDef(\guitar2, { arg freq, amp, pan = 0; var out, pluck, period, string; freq = freq * [0.99,1,2,0.98]; pluck = PinkNoise.ar(Decay.kr(Line.kr(1, 0, 0.05), 0.05)); period = freq.reciprocal; string = CombL.ar(pluck, period, period, 4); out = LeakDC.ar(LPF.ar(string, 12000)); out = Splay.ar(out, XLine.ar(0.1,1,0.3)); out = out * XLine.ar(1,1/1000,4, doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(out, pan, amp) * 0.4); } ).send(s); SynthDef(\guitar, { arg freq, amp, pan = 0; var out, pluck, period, string; freq = freq * [0.99,1,2,0.98]; out = SinOsc.ar(freq); out = Splay.ar(out, XLine.ar(0.1,1,0.3)); out = out * XLine.ar(1,1/1000,2, doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(out, pan, amp) * 0.4); } ).send(s); SynthDef(\ch, { | decay = 3, amp = 1, freq = 440 | f = WhiteNoise.ar; f = LPF.ar(f, 12000); //f = f+ DelayC.ar(f, 0.1,LFNoise2.ar(1/2).range(0.001,0.01)); f = HPF.ar(f, 4000, 0.05); f = f * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.01,decay*0.8), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0, 15 * f.dup * amp); }).store; SynthDef(\kick, { | decay = 0.03, amp = 1, freq = 40 | var f = SinOsc.ar(freq*XLine.ar(1,1/4,0.1)); f = f * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc(0.0001,decay), doneAction:2); Out.ar(0,f.dup * amp * 1); }).store; TempoClock.default.tempo = 90/60 Ppar([ Pbind( \instrument, \guitar, \strum, 2/Pstep([32,16,3,12],2,inf), \degree, Pseq([ [0,2,4,6], [-1,2,4,6], [0,2,4,6], [0,2,4,6]-2, ],inf), \octave, 5, \dur, 1, \decay, Pseq([1],inf), ), Ppar([ Pbind(\instrument, \kick, \dur, 1/4, \decay, Pstep([2,0.3],1/4,inf) * 0.7, \octave, 4, \amp, Pstep([1,0,0,1, 0,0,1,0, 0,0.2,1,0, 0,0,0,0],1/4,inf)), Pbind(\instrument, \ch, \decay, 0.3, \dur, 1/Pstep([8,4,4,4,1,1,6,1],1,inf), \decay, Pn(Pseg([0.3,0.1],1)) / 2, \amp, Pstep([0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0],1/4,inf) + (0.1*Pn(Pseg([0,0.4],1))) ) ]) ]).play; // Add Bjorn's Patented Dub Echo: ~echo = Synth(\dubecho, [\length, TempoClock.default.beatDur*(3/4), \fb, 0.7, \sep, 0.0012], addAction: \addToTail); ~echo.free
Synthdef for the dubecho is not included
I thought it was an acknowledged classic at this point!