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Demo: Loading a MIDI file, playing it with your own SynthDef

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Nov'18 02:04 in midi pbindf simplemidifile quarks

Load a MIDI file and play it with your own SynthDef. Examples of how to use it with Pbindf

"The Scientist" - Coldplay [MUSC 115: Modulations]

by tsonker on 05 Nov'18 20:18 in fm am

Remixed Coldplay's "The Scientist" mainly through amplitude modulation and frequency modulation for a sound design class assignment. SoundCloud: ht

Beatboxing and Bach

by aahrens on 25 Oct'18 02:10 in bach invention classical

Taking inspiration from "Switched-On Bach", this is a supercollider rendition of Invention No. 13 in A Minor. The melody is held in Pbinds, and I m


by unknown on 14 Aug'18 01:57 in percussion drums organ synthdef piano tradicional instrumens woodwind brass

SynthDEFaults - A Collection of Tradicional SynthDefs- //under GNU GPL 3 as per SuperCollider license //Organized by Zé Craum //This is the firs

Modal synthesis of xilophone, marimba, glokenspiel, tubular bells

by nicolaariutti on 21 Jul'18 11:41 in percussive marimba modal xilophone glokenspiel tubulars bells

Example of modal synthesis made with a **Klank** UGEN as _resonator_ and white noise impulse as an _exciter_. All resonators of the Klank UGEN are

reception: awesome (1)

Filter Explorer @ 1000 Hz of the Cutoff Frequency (Centre Frequency)

by prko on 22 Apr'18 01:44 in filters

Special Thanks to Russell Johnston who gave an excellent solution to MouseLeaveAction issue via the sc-users list! Thanks to Fredrik Olofsson who men


by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 16 Mar'18 13:19 in simple patterns generative algorithmic selfstep

a simple self-playing piece with generative patterning

canti illuminati #1

by tiagmoraismorgado on 01 Jan'18 14:35 in

pulsating resonance

by tiagmoraismorgado on 01 Jan'18 13:36 in

pulsating resonance

Linear Mess #1

by tiagmoraismorgado on 01 Jan'18 13:13 in

neural sirens

by clarkenciel on 03 Dec'17 02:09 in

fuzzy sirens

by clarkenciel on 27 Nov'17 01:51 in

Now you're going to die

by grirgz on 12 Sep'17 00:09 in drone generative

Scoring a movie with supercollider

by 56228375 on 12 Aug'17 11:34 in osc synchronization movie timeline blender

This is the supercollider code used in the tutorial about creating a generative movie score with supercollider and blender. The tutorial itself is loc

Re: DWG sitar model

by 56228375 on 10 Aug'17 14:55 in guitar code fork instrument physical model plucked strings pluck sitar

fork of a sitar model by @snappizz... it sounds better to me although I have no idea how it's supposed to sound. Modifications are in the plucking (w

Movie without images

by 56228375 on 25 Jul'17 00:06 in soundscape alienating

Requires supercollider 3.9dev. (But you probably can use older versions if your replace Done.freeSelf with number 2.) All sounds are synthesised - no

When The Saints Come Crawling Out

by walters on 20 Jul'17 18:07 in percussive generative algorithmic

Submission for WESU algorithmic music show.

Moth drums

by badnumbersmusic on 21 Jun'17 00:50 in drums

I like the discoey feel. The snare's probably much too noisy but what the hell.

heavy breathing

by 56228375 on 11 Jun'17 00:04 in synthesis breathing body sound breath

An attempt at emulating a breathing sound. Originally made using sonic-visualizer, based on the spectrogram of the first breath in this recording: htt

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