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SCTweets - 140 Character - swiki repost
by zecraum on 08 Apr'21 05:42 in140 Character Examples A popular way to share SuperCollider code is to post it to the social n
Make Noise 0-Coast
by bgola on 18 Feb'21 10:45 inTrying to replicate the Make Noise 0-Coast semi-modular synth design Inspired by
Chaos Machine
by dkam136 on 09 Dec'20 12:58 inI've been building some tutorials for SuperCollider and just wanted to share this one I made on creating a Chaos Machine in SuperCollider. Full disclo
Eternal Elevator Ensemble
by 56228375 on 08 Dec'20 01:15 inLegend has it that on December 14th of 1287, the day that lives by the name of St. Lucia's Flood, a metalic artifact was unearthed filled with undecip
Waves & Surf
by Andrew Brož on 30 Oct'20 02:19 inSimple relaxing white noise generator simulating a seaside.
Fireflies Intro - Owl City
by eli.fieldsteel on 25 Oct'20 19:20 inre-creation of the introduction to Fireflies by Owl City (original video:
by bernhard on 01 May'20 22:59 inRhythm-Experiment for sambalike patterns. The goal are cyclic patterns that accelerate in asymetrical way inside one cycle.
Hotroded "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia"
by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 15:44 inHotroded version of "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia". With additional basssynth, euclidian patterns (needs the Bjorklund Object). With some randomisatio
by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Mar'20 15:57 inThe second piece in this generative series. Note lengths are now variable within a line, but as the result the total duration of a pattern became vari
Hijacked Tweets in Ndef.
by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:16 inVariations of hijacked tweets. In Ndef-mode. Starting point was nathaniel virgo's tweet: {;{,80,1);a=((a+0.02)
Dirty Sound Maker
by Dindoléon on 29 Jan'20 15:07 inSimple GUI to produce dirty ambient drones, based on the 'Mini' concept ( see ). Really simple to use. Displayed words aren't
reception: vraiment excellent merci (1)Skyline by Bobby Macdonald
by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 23:25 in"Skyline" by Bobby Macdonald. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.
Judges by Michael Noonan
by Bruno Ruviaro on 17 Dec'19 19:56 in"Judges" by Michael Noonan. Created as a Final Project for the course MUSC 115 - Experimental Sound Design, Santa Clara University, Fall 2019.
Punchy break
by badnumbersmusic on 05 Oct'19 19:32 inBreakbeat made of out FM-synthesized drums. A little too saturated but nice and punchy.
techno kick
by Thomas Legacy on 02 Oct'19 17:51 inMy first submission to this site, with hopefully many more to come. Here's one of the first real sounds I've synthesized that I've thought sounded goo