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nicolaariutti's code

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti

Aphex Twin's Avril 14th - SuperCollider transcription by Nicola Ariutti. From a music sheet by Micheal Jordan ( The code is meant to send MIDI data to an external synthetizer like Modartt Pianoteq. Inspired by the work of Via ( I wanted to make my own version of it. Enjoy!!!

THX Deep Note reconstruction


So long i've been waiting to work on it and this is my attempt in recreating the iconic sound of THX logo using SC. I've tried to follow instructions from the score:

panflute sampler

A slightly modified version of my sampler (,, I made it to test it with some beautiful pan pipe sound files recorded by timohanes (@ ) and released under CC0.


19 Oct'19 23:18 in orchestracello

making some experiments I came out with this sound which resambles a cello to me. Let me know in the comments below what do you think about it. Please let me know if you have any suggestions and advices to make it sound better. Thank you so much :)

UI sounds (pt1)

02 Jan'19 21:05 in soundfminterfaceui

This code is an attempt to recreate a sound inspired from some technological/science fictional UI interface. Sounds are created using FM technique. Play around FC, FM, ATK and RLS to obtain different sound characters.

aurora borealis

27 Dec'18 14:50 in ambientatmosphere

Random synths selected from VarSaw, Pulse and WhiteNoise create a texture resambling brasses, woods and flutes. It reminds me Micheal Land "The Dig" soundtrack ( Listen to an extract of it here:

Modal synthesis of xilophone, marimba, glokenspiel, tubular bells

2 1

Example of modal synthesis made with a **Klank** UGEN as _resonator_ and white noise impulse as an _exciter_. All resonators of the Klank UGEN are properly tuned to resamble modal frequencies of a real bell I've recoded and analysed. The ```fs```, ```pitchy``` and ```T60``` arguments are used to scale all the system in order to simulate various percussive instruments such as _xilophone_, _marimba_, _glokenspiel_ and _tubular bells_.

farfisa organ like sound

Trying to procedurally synthetise a violin, I eventually came out with a "Farfisa" organ like sound. It can be used also as a flute!