
braga - portugal

Tiago Morais Morgado

tiagmoraismorgado's code

canti illuminati #1

01 Jan'18 14:35 in

some stuff

01 Jan'18 14:12 in

pulsating resonance

01 Jan'18 13:36 in

pulsating resonance

Linear Mess #1

01 Jan'18 13:13 in

Non-Linear Mess #1

sinewaves with pulses. a lot of stochastic stuff, result leading to interesting things

binaural beats 432+528+745

09 Dec'16 20:50 in

Binaural Beats 436hz + 548 hz

08 Dec'16 21:38 in

Binaural Beats 436hz + 548 hz


27 Nov'16 18:01 in

chaos gen modular function for modular pseudo ugen prototyping

27 Nov'16 16:49 in

chaos gen modular function for modular pseudo ugen prototyping

LFDNoise Modular version

a draft of a modular function for LFDNoise sctochastically selection. i shall be turning this into a pseudo ugen, using high level classes abstraction layer.