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SyncSaw madness
by LFSaw on 21 Jul'12 11:39 inBased on the answer to my question if there is a synced oscillator on SuperCollider, I played with SyncSaw as suggested by JmC.
reception: spacy (1)Insects
by DSastre on 16 Jul'12 17:11 inDifferent insect sounds, including field crickets, a cicada and a housefly. Based on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell.
reception: natural (1)educational (2)awesome (1)Star Trek transporter
by DSastre on 15 Jul'12 17:50 inbased on pure data code from the book "Designing Sound" by Andy Farnell. (Chapter 56, Practical 33, Transporter)
reception: educational (1)realistic (1)space (2)awesome (1)star trek (1)sctweets by redFrik
by Fredrik Olofsson on 10 Jul'12 22:56 inmy collection of tweets. see updated 130513 with tweet0110-0136 updated 131125 with tweet0137-0167 updated 131128 with
reception: tweet (1)awesome (1)collection (2)rukanofan (1)inspiration (1)sctweets by rukano
by rukano on 10 Jul'12 16:01 inStill trying to find more so I can have a collection of all my tweets here
reception: awesome (1)collection (2)redfrikfan (1)inspiration (1)envio
by vividsnow on 06 Jul'12 04:47 insynthdef based on morphing cycled envelope
reception: frightening (1)SuperSimpleSequencer
by rukano on 19 Jun'12 02:00 inJust for fun and a demonstration of gui/2Darrays/synths/tasks in less than 30 lines.
bin-aural revolve
by vividsnow on 07 Jun'12 03:44 insome sound exploring - [soundcloud](
reception: educational (1)realisticsounding (1)industrial (1)Simple animated 2D user interface
by rukano on 29 May'12 01:45 inA more simple example using the shared memory interface to get the current status of a bus, and also setting a bus from the GUI. The circle turns red
reception: educational (1)example (1)Synchronous control bus visualizer using the shared memory interface
by rukano on 29 May'12 00:53 inMessing around with Control buses and later Control Ndefs and using getSynchronous to use the exact value of the UGen in the draw function. Extra: yo
danger loud click
by alln4tural on 26 May'12 23:12 incan anyone tell me what the loud click is, and how to control it? i kind of really like it, but it sounds scary, and the resulting waveform is
by vividsnow on 17 May'12 02:55 inexploring of morphing cycled envelopes (i.e. kind of grains) as a sound source; give it some tries - there are possibly interesting ones
Melting Circus Tweet
by Schemawound on 16 May'12 05:52 inA tweet that sounds like a circus melting (in space)
risset bells
by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 May'12 11:27 inan exact port of a pd (pure-data) example patch.
reception: natural (1)nice (2)sonic focal depth
by danstowell on 15 May'12 00:06 inTen layers of sound, all constantly running, yet only one is in "sharp focus" at any time. Move the mouse up and down to control the focal depth. b
reception: interesting (1)Blowing ambient with lots of reverb
by rukano on 09 May'12 01:50 inGoing to sleep, need some relaxing after 10 hours epic sax guy.
reception: ambient (1)beautiful (1)great (1)Epic Sax Guy (cheap version)
by rukano on 09 May'12 00:17 inAgain, just an exercise to get this tune out of my head. I was actually trying out the Stk plugins, but the sax there is quite cheesy. Not it's replac