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Re: Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by grirgz on 03 Apr'13 19:41 in code fork

sad alarm

vagabond kicks

by vividsnow on 03 Apr'13 14:15 in sketch experimental kick

Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by miguel.negrao on 03 Apr'13 13:16 in

Made with code from Jonatan Liljedahl and Glen Fraser. Based on the Korg Z1 sawtooth oscilator.

pluck birds in desert

by vividsnow on 31 Mar'13 16:40 in sketch experimental random wind

morning on Gliese 667Cb

Vague Thunder

by Paul Anderson on 29 Mar'13 02:03 in thunder

Sounds kind of like thunder.


by yota on 27 Mar'13 18:21 in sc140

a tweeting code snippet.

reception: awesome (1)


by Callum Goddard on 27 Mar'13 18:18 in drone lazer bleeps

A lazer sound then a drone with morse-code like bleeps. A byproduct of testing the triggering algorithm in the mono2eN SynthDef.

Mono2eN - Ndef, slightly altered

by LFSaw on 26 Mar'13 18:01 in code fork spatial performance tool

The ndef version of the mono2eN system, slightly adapted - a multichannel autospatilisation musical performance tool.

Mono2eN - SynthDef

by Callum Goddard on 26 Mar'13 16:54 in spatial performance tool

The synthdef version of the mono2eN system - a multichannel autospatilisation musical performance tool.

reception: spatial (1)automatic spatialiser (1)fft freeze (1)audio analysis (1)great for acoustic instruments and analog synths (1)


by vividsnow on 26 Mar'13 08:13 in sketch

reqs: sc3-plugins

reception: really nice going to need to study this one (1)


by arkovm on 25 Mar'13 17:25 in scifi space

reception: sound (1)ship horn (1)

A Map To Everything [Disquiet0062-LifeOfSine]

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:20 in sine disquiet junto disquiet junto

This week’s project involves making music from the basic building block of sound: the sine wave. You will compose and record a piece of music using

reception: patterns (1)sines (1)some rhythm (1)

UFO Landing

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:16 in scifi alien spaceship ufo

Here is some quick code that sounds like an old sci-fi UFO landing.

FM Patterns Tweet

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:09 in sctweet rhythm mouse

2 Dseq patterns modulating each other. Speed of each pattern controlled by a mouse axis

Record Slow Tweet

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:08 in sctweet rhythm mouse

Rhythmic mouse controlled tweet that sounds sort of like a turntable slowing down. Kinda.

reception: bistable physics sonification hearalike (1)

How to make a saw using only sines - Tweet Style

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:04 in sctweet sine educational sawtooth

Using sine waves to generate a saw waveform

Metal Pattern Tweet

by Schemawound on 25 Mar'13 17:02 in sctweet metal