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Band-limited hard sync oscillator

by nathanielvirgo on 09 Oct'15 10:19 in analogue

I've always wanted a band limited version of the SyncSaw UGen. After taking a look at [1], I realised it's actually quite easy to implement this in Su


by dilots on 04 Oct'15 19:57 in games game pong phrygian

A basic implementation of pong.


by grirgz on 21 Jul'15 02:12 in bass noisy

"basso gettato" sctweet autopsy

by zepadovani on 18 Jun'15 14:33 in bass sctweet sc140 granulation basso gettato trig grainin

An attempt to explain my sctweet "basso gettato", published in the web-album "SC140" by The Wire by an initiative of Dan Stowell. (http://supercollide

Re: Dissonator with Steno

by julian.rohrhuber on 16 Jun'15 18:51 in effect code fork dissonant ring modulator psychoacoustic language

Here is a remix in the language Steno.

Modanung - Return of the King

by Modanung on 05 Jun'15 00:47 in guitar code fork plucked strings

The final version had a preverb added to it in Audacity. It can be found here:

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially

No Quarter pluck synth bass sound

by wondersluyter on 17 May'15 00:41 in bass synth pluck

In response to Listen at

Detuned Synth Pad

by coreyker on 13 May'15 22:56 in synth pad sound design

A SuperCollider implementation of the synth sound described here: ""

How to tempo-sync LFOs in Patterns across multiple instances of a Synth

by defaultxr on 12 Mar'15 05:42 in patterns sync lfo tempo

This code shows you how to tempo-sync the various oscillator types in SuperCollider. When you play the pattern, you should be able to hear that the ou

Cellular Automaton

by coreyker on 10 Mar'15 07:48 in gui algorithmic cellular automaton

A supercollider implementation of algorithmic composition using cellular automaton (please see: for my origin

reception: fantastic (1)

radio tunner and harmonica

by grirgz on 04 Feb'15 00:06 in

Maybe I should not post code which come directly from the SC documentation, but It's been years that I read this doc, I never listened to the code exa

The Beasties

by henklass on 16 Jan'15 18:56 in science life simulator

A life simulator. Beasties are running across the screen, eating, finding a mate and eventually dying. Every event has its own sound.

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)


by grirgz on 29 Dec'14 21:31 in pad lizard church

reception: complex (1)awesome (2)


by mahatGma on 16 Dec'14 23:39 in maqam music trainer

Generative jazz

by Devi Skanadze on 24 Nov'14 10:51 in jazz algorithm rythm generative morse euclidean thue

download drum loop:


by Alexander Lunt on 08 Nov'14 19:22 in sound effects gui melody waves synth synthesis wave synthdef additive synthesis ring modulation synthesizer user interface window

A Synthesizer similar to the Ableton Operator: Four Oscillators can be modulated and manipulated in different ways. Just evaluate the whole Code at on

mpd18UseCase -- FRP style

by LFSaw on 03 Nov'14 17:40 in mpd18 modalitycookbook

Example Modality implementation for the MPD18 [usecase](