«Mono2eN - SynthDef» by Callum Goddard
on 26 Mar'13 16:54 inThe synthdef version of the mono2eN system - a multichannel autospatilisation musical performance tool.
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s = Server.internal; s.boot; ( SynthDef("4for8", { arg width=2, level=0.5; // change to match number of output audio channels var numChans = 6; var in, amp, pos=0, sig, sig2, sig2pan, out, chain, chainSpec, centroid, freq, hasFreq, freq2, hasFreq2; in = SoundIn.ar(0); // input # freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr( in, ampThreshold: 0.09, median: 7); freq = freq * hasFreq* 0.01; freq.poll; chainSpec = FFT(LocalBuf(2048, 1), in); centroid = SpecCentroid.kr(chainSpec); centroid = ((centroid * 0.0005)-0.3)*10; // new possition determined by centroid pos = VarLag.kr( centroid, 0.9, ); // smooths the position // PanAz position of the sound sig = PanAz.ar( numChans, in, pos, level, width, ).scramble; chain = FFT({LocalBuf(2048, 1)}.dup(numChans), sig); chain = PV_MagFreeze(chain, SinOsc.kr(freq*100)); sig2 = IFFT(chain); sig2pan = SplayAz.ar( numChans, sig2 ); // Mixing wet and dry signal. out = sig + sig2pan; out = out*0.7; Out.ar(0, out); }).add; ) ( x = Synth("4for8") x.set(\width, 5, \level, 0.2) )
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