«example fft sc->processing» by Fredrik Olofsson
on 30 Apr'13 18:04 intemplate code for sending lots of data (1024 fft values 61 times per second) from sc to processing. sound function from an old sc-tweet. updated to work with sc3.9 and processing 3.3.6
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/* //--processing code: import oscP5.*; import netP5.*; OscP5 oscP5; final int BUFFERSIZE= 2048; //should correspond with fft size in supercollider final int BUFFERSIZE2= BUFFERSIZE/2; float[] fftArray; void setup() { size(1280, 768); frameRate(60); background(0); noSmooth(); fftArray= new float[BUFFERSIZE2]; for (int i= 0; i<BUFFERSIZE2; i++) { fftArray[i]= 0.0; } //--network OscProperties properties= new OscProperties(); //properties.setRemoteAddress("", 57120); //osc send port (to sc) properties.setListeningPort(47120); //osc receive port (from sc) //properties.setSRSP(OscProperties.ON); //unused //properties.setDatagramSize(min(BUFFERSIZE*4, 8192)); properties.setDatagramSize(5136); //5136 is the minimum oscP5= new OscP5(this, properties); } void oscEvent(OscMessage msg) { if (msg.checkAddrPattern("/fftArray")) { for (int i= 0; i<BUFFERSIZE2; i++) { fftArray[i]= msg.get(i).floatValue(); } } } void draw() { background(0); noFill(); for (int x= 0; x<BUFFERSIZE2; x++) { stroke(fftArray[x]*255.0, 0, 0); line(x, height*0.1, x, height*0.9); } } */ //--supercollider code: ( var buffersize= 2048; var buffersize2= buffersize.div(2); n= NetAddr("", 47120); s.options.memSize= 8192*2; s.waitForBoot{ c= Bus.control(s, buffersize2); SynthDef(\avTrk, {|in= 0, t_trig= 0, amp= 1, bus| var z= Mix(In.ar(in, 2)*amp); var chain= FFT(LocalBuf(buffersize), z); Array.fill(buffersize2, {|i| var a= Unpack1FFT(chain, buffersize, i); var d= Demand.kr(chain>=0, 0, a); Out.kr(bus+i, d.min(1)); }); }).load; s.sync; ~trk= Synth(\avTrk, [\in, 0, \amp, 0.3, \bus, c]); a= play{var a=SinOsc;Splay.ar(a.ar(PulseCount.ar(f=InFeedback.ar(0,2).sum)%999+(60,63.0005..99)*a.ar(2**f)*2+[3,4],f>0*f*9)).tanh*MouseX.kr(0, 1)}; Routine.run({ inf.do{ var fftArray= c.getnSynchronous(buffersize2); n.sendMsg(\fftArray, *fftArray); //sending 1024 values (1/61).wait; //a tiny bit faster than framerate }; }); CmdPeriod.doOnce({c.free}); }; )
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«Re: example fft sc->processing» by Don Smith (private)
an extended version is here... http://sccode.org/1-4Wt