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Re: Dub Echo with Ping Pong
by rukano on 22 Feb'12 11:18 inTaking the Dub echo by Bjorn and putting some ping poing to it :)
Super Mario Theme
by Dave on 23 Dec'11 20:47 inThis is my favourite computer music tune programmed in SuperCollider: The legendary Super Mario theme :)
reception: funny (1)nice (1)great (1)harmonized harmonic minor scale, chords + melody
by josecaos on 10 Dec'11 19:14 in// harmonized harmonic minor scale chords + melody //// download audio @
reception: nice (1)composition (1)alien radio beacon
by vividsnow on 23 Oct'11 15:27 instrange device found in space ) p.s. different "station" each run
by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 inA hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to
reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)Guitar feedback emulation
by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 14:35 inA simulation of holding an electric guitar up to the amplifier, creating feedback. Press the mouse button to activate the whammy bar :)
Breaking Glass
by 38nonprivate on 26 Aug'11 13:50 inHaving a smashing time with SuperCollider. I revised this SynthDef - the newest / best one is at the top and my previous version is below. p.s. I sto
It's more fun to compute this snare
by 38nonprivate on 25 Aug'11 13:19 inAn attempt to replicate the snare from "It's More Fun To Compute" by, err... somebody please remind me. As usual, it's close but no cigar. Nano chan
reception: nice (1)Vinyl Pops and Crackles
by eli.fieldsteel on 15 Aug'11 01:42 inold school noise from needle on vinyl
Feedback resonator
by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 19:07 inUsing filtered feedback with a noise input to produce a tone. Some bass notes turn a little noisy if the freq is left at one value for a few seconds.
Time and relative dimensions in SC
by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 17:28 inIt's almost the sound of a time travelling device.
Dub Echo
by Bjorn Westergard on 10 Aug'11 03:55 inA pretty simple Dub echo, approximating something like the [Space Echo]( made popular by Kin
Rain and thunder
by Jonatan Liljedahl on 09 Aug'11 22:34 inI tried to help a friends friend to find some suitable recording of rain and thunder on the net, but I ended up coding this up for him instead, and he
reception: natural (1)sleepy (1)this is wonderful (1)