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Re: Dub Echo with Ping Pong

by rukano on 22 Feb'12 11:18 in dub echo spacecho feedback code fork

Taking the Dub echo by Bjorn and putting some ping poing to it :)

Super Mario Theme

by Dave on 23 Dec'11 20:47 in percussion patterns games song melody tune

This is my favourite computer music tune programmed in SuperCollider: The legendary Super Mario theme :)

reception: funny (1)nice (1)great (1)

harmonized harmonic minor scale, chords + melody

by josecaos on 10 Dec'11 19:14 in supercollider armonizacion escala menor armonica harmonic minor scale coding

// harmonized harmonic minor scale chords + melody //// download audio @

reception: nice (1)composition (1)


by Jonatan Liljedahl on 01 Nov'11 15:47 in techno

based on tweet by Michael Winkler

alien radio beacon

by vividsnow on 23 Oct'11 15:27 in scifi experimental space alien

strange device found in space ) p.s. different "station" each run


by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 15:05 in tweets sctweets

A hopefully more-or-less comprehensive collection of all the sctweets I've posted to

reception: educational (2)nice (1)impressive (1)

Guitar feedback emulation

by nathanielvirgo on 26 Aug'11 14:35 in feedback guitar

A simulation of holding an electric guitar up to the amplifier, creating feedback. Press the mouse button to activate the whammy bar :)

Breaking Glass

by 38nonprivate on 26 Aug'11 13:50 in sound effects breaking glass

Having a smashing time with SuperCollider. I revised this SynthDef - the newest / best one is at the top and my previous version is below. p.s. I sto

It's more fun to compute this snare

by 38nonprivate on 25 Aug'11 13:19 in kraftwerk percussion snare electro

An attempt to replicate the snare from "It's More Fun To Compute" by, err... somebody please remind me. As usual, it's close but no cigar. Nano chan

reception: nice (1)

Vinyl Pops and Crackles

by eli.fieldsteel on 15 Aug'11 01:42 in ambient noise emulation

old school noise from needle on vinyl

Feedback resonator

by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 19:07 in feedback noise

Using filtered feedback with a noise input to produce a tone. Some bass notes turn a little noisy if the freq is left at one value for a few seconds.

Time and relative dimensions in SC

by 38nonprivate on 12 Aug'11 17:28 in sound effects scifi

It's almost the sound of a time travelling device.

Dub Echo

by Bjorn Westergard on 10 Aug'11 03:55 in dub echo spacecho feedback

A pretty simple Dub echo, approximating something like the [Space Echo]( made popular by Kin

Rain and thunder

by Jonatan Liljedahl on 09 Aug'11 22:34 in rain thunder nature soundeffects

I tried to help a friends friend to find some suitable recording of rain and thunder on the net, but I ended up coding this up for him instead, and he

reception: natural (1)sleepy (1)this is wonderful (1)

Dark ambience

by Jonatan Liljedahl on 09 Aug'11 10:44 in sctweet ambient

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