«Re: Dub Echo with Ping Pong» by rukano
on 22 Feb'12 11:18 inTaking the Dub echo by Bjorn and putting some ping poing to it :)
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SynthDef(\dubecho,{|in, out, length = 1, fb = 0.8, sep = 0.012| var input = In.ar(in, 2); var output = input + Fb({ |feedback| var left, right; var magic = LeakDC.ar(feedback*fb + input); magic = HPF.ar(magic, 400); // filter's on the feedback path magic = LPF.ar(magic, 5000); magic = magic.tanh; // and some more non-linearity in the form of distortion #left, right = magic; // let's have named variables for the left and right channels magic = [DelayC.ar(left, 1, LFNoise2.ar(12).range(0,sep)), DelayC.ar(right, 1, LFNoise2.ar(12).range(sep,0))].reverse; },length); ReplaceOut.ar(out, output); }).add; // Example as effecet bus ~bus = Bus.audio(s, 2); ~echo = Synth(\dubecho, [\in, ~bus, \length, TempoClock.default.tempo*(3/8), \fb, 0.7, \sep, 0.0012], addAction: \addToTail); // send something play{ Out.ar(~bus, LFGauss.ar(1, 0.1, loop:0, doneAction:2) * Blip.ar(80, 8)) } // turn it off ~echo.free;
where do I find the Fb class?
download the Feedback Quark