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kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick


by vividsnow on 15 Jun'14 19:38 in sketch step rhythm

bankrupt robot's dance-machine )

sine ocean

by eli.fieldsteel on 24 Apr'14 02:01 in sine patterns random spatialization metal pure immersive

150 unique streams of harmonic sine waves ebb and flow, gradually drifting more and more out of phase

Pisano Melodies

by henk.lasschuit on 15 Apr'14 21:55 in mathematics research

Pisano Periods are used to generate melodies

Additive Synthesis Demo with QuNeo - Patch 4 (Risset Bell)

by Bruno Ruviaro on 08 Apr'14 04:21 in bell risset additive synthesis quneo

QuNeo controller playing Risset Bells (additive synthesis demo). This one adds controls for Attack and Release times.

Re: The Sounds of Fibonacci

by ttsesmetzis on 18 Mar'14 17:42 in code fork mathematics research

Pisano periods for rythmic patterns.


by soda paper on 26 Feb'14 23:47 in bass thump

A muffled thump. An attempt at a Jurassic Park © glass of water sort of thing - or breaking into a silo.

Scanned Synthesis Visualisation

by Matthew Kane on 25 Feb'14 23:39 in scanned synthesis visualization

Visualization of scanned string synthesis.

reception: gui (1)scanned synthesis (1)visualization (1)

Another weird filter distortion

by wondersluyter on 21 Feb'14 07:55 in filter distortion onset detection

Distortion made by abusing the DFM1

Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine

by nathan on 01 Feb'14 18:26 in sampler aleatoric

This piece is a demonstration of the Part-Aleatoric Sample Machine, a project I am working on to explore possible interfaces between human and non-hum

Re: Algorithmic melancholy

by grirgz on 27 Jan'14 23:35 in code fork generative

A little fork. I left all the old code for historical reasons

Electric car

by Kosmas Giannoutakis on 12 Jan'14 14:23 in motor car engine harmonic rhythmicon sound design

In 2011 I took part in a competition for making sound design for the electric car in Germany. I didn't get any distinction but I think my sounding eng

reception: cool (1)

20140103_1504 (pluck piece)

by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 in random karpusstrong

New piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and

All available inputs

by wondersluyter on 11 Dec'13 11:09 in

Type and click while breathing into microphone and still pretend not to be insane

Re: Silly Voice

by wondersluyter on 11 Dec'13 10:44 in formant synthesis gregorian chant

Silly gregorian chant, from [Silly Voice](

reception: algregorian (1)

wobble bass

by grirgz on 11 Nov'13 04:48 in bass wobble dubstep jitlib

Silly Voice

by Bruno Ruviaro on 11 Nov'13 01:39 in bass filter vocal formant synthesis voice

Formant Synthesis example with a silly bass voice.