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by bbates on 08 Nov'16 21:07 in

115pluck (Assignment 1)

by Mason McCormack on 08 Nov'16 20:58 in 115pluck

A1 - Heldt

by unknown on 08 Nov'16 20:27 in

I wanted to keep the snare and hats but write different rhythms. After that I used "glissf" to create more of a moving bass sound out of the kick. I t

Bass with Pluck

by Margo Gentile on 08 Nov'16 20:15 in 115pluck

Assignment 1 115pluck

by ianmcdougall60 on 08 Nov'16 09:21 in 115pluck

assignment 1 Ian McDougall soundcloud link:

Assignment #1

by hwright on 08 Nov'16 09:02 in

Colby moeller 115 pluck

by cmoeller on 08 Nov'16 08:01 in

Re: Granular electromaton variation

by Bruno Ruviaro on 01 Nov'16 04:47 in texture code fork microtiming rhythm grains granulator

A variation of Granular electromaton by William Mox Drossard

SynthDef examples: hihat, snare, kick, sawSynth, with Pbind demo

by Bruno Ruviaro on 31 Oct'16 23:58 in snare kick drum musc115 scu hihat

demonstration of simple SynthDefs simulating hihat, snare, kick drum; and a sawtooth synth used both for chords and a bass line in the Pbind demonstra

electro drum kit

by snappizz on 09 Sep'16 21:02 in bass snare instrument kick drum hi hat clap

scrounged together from various youtube tutorials and forum posts

reception: drumkit (1)

Re: Kalimba

by p.dupuis on 22 Apr'16 03:37 in code fork instrument pluck kalimba plucked

Here is a slightly thinner sounding version of snappizz's kalimba SynthDef. I added filtering on the SinOsc and on the PinkNoise. IMO it sounds better

In-App purchase

by grirgz on 11 Feb'16 18:46 in

the starting element of this track was the "piano" (named dru here) which is picking random notes from a scale then putting them at random time on a b

Algorithmic Beats

by rumush on 04 Jan'16 21:19 in beats algorithm composition

A short experiment I did with Pdefs and Pwrand to make a trance-like track focuses on ever-chaning rhythms. I'll post an updated version tomorrow.

Feedback Ambient

by rumush on 14 Dec'15 17:21 in ambient feedback noise

Simple feedback Ndef that can produce variety of sounds by just changing two variables, freq and rt. Feel free to modify the code and let me know what

Rhythm Feedback

by rumush on 07 Dec'15 21:30 in

Ndef with feedback where the source gets seperated so it runs through three different effects with LFPulse as volume control. You can get some feedbac

Pi sonification

by grirgz on 14 Nov'15 19:07 in code fork

It take groups of 10 decimals from Pi and use each number as an index in arrays of patterns. If you are bored by pi, you can try other numbers

Grain Freeze

by patrickryanmcminn on 21 Jul'15 18:43 in effect drone granular

SynthDef for capturing and holding incoming audio as a drone

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially


by Alexander Lunt on 08 Nov'14 19:22 in sound effects gui melody waves synth synthesis wave synthdef additive synthesis ring modulation synthesizer user interface window

A Synthesizer similar to the Ableton Operator: Four Oscillators can be modulated and manipulated in different ways. Just evaluate the whole Code at on

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