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Re: Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef

by chuzoup on 03 Jan'25 07:37 in pattern code fork glitch experimental random

根據 Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef 的 code 進行一些微小的改動,隨意更換 `sig` 中的來源波形總是會有意想不到的效果。 --- With some minor changes to the code of "Semi-Random Glitch Syn

[SIMPLE] Random Pad Generator

by Checco Ruseo on 17 Sep'20 12:40 in gui random pad

A random pad generation thing. Every time you click EXECUTE, a pad with a certain number of melodic lines is generated using the parameters in the G

Hotroded "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia"

by bernhard on 15 Apr'20 15:44 in techno random acid 303 909 euclidian

Hotroded version of "08091500Acid309 by_otophilia". With additional basssynth, euclidian patterns (needs the Bjorklund Object). With some randomisatio

Gaussian Cookiemonster

by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:25 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble gauss crumblesynthesis

Grainsynth Sampler based on Example in the Documentation. Similar to cookiemonster v.1.1, with GaussTrig instead of randomized Impulse

Cookiemonster v.1.1

by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 16:04 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble

Grainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. Better version of v.1.0.


by bernhard on 31 Mar'20 12:53 in random granular grain multichannel cookie crumble

Grainsynth Sampler based on the Example in the Documentation. I'd call it crumblesynthesis. "ME WANT COOKIE!!!"


by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Mar'20 15:57 in simple ambience random endless generative algorithmic sequence polyphonic boreas

The second piece in this generative series. Note lengths are now variable within a line, but as the result the total duration of a pattern became vari

friture plus

by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:54 in rain random waves water frying sparks

Random deep fryer. Can turn in to rain, waves and other stuff.

Hijacked Tweets in Ndef.

by bernhard on 17 Mar'20 11:16 in noise random gabber oneliner bohlenpierce

Variations of hijacked tweets. In Ndef-mode. Starting point was nathaniel virgo's tweet: {;{,80,1);a=((a+0.02)

Twilight Luminaries

by Alexander Zhagun-Linnik on 26 Feb'19 13:53 in simple random endless generative algorithmic sequence polyphonic

Twilight Luminaries is an endless generative composition based on random polyphonic sequences. While it has some hard limitations like fixed note

sine(LFPar) minor random bliss in two

by Luka P. on 11 Dec'16 13:36 in ambient random generative chill easy smooth minor

just something i did as an excercise trying to understand clocks and scheduling

Notch Filter Experiment

by rumush on 10 Jan'16 10:37 in ambient noise random

A couple functions that explore stacking BRFs in series with PinkNoise as a source.

Hats and Noise

by rumush on 26 Nov'15 20:42 in noise random

A couple of rhythmic noise generating functions. All based on the top one.

Chaos Ambient - Unfinished Piece

by rumush on 18 Nov'15 12:01 in random chaos algorhitmic

A unfinished noise piece. Based on two chaotic UGens and some granularization.

Re: Re: the perfect frequencies

by grirgz on 13 Oct'15 22:42 in ambient code fork random

That's why I love SC, I just randomly added code, and everytime something cool come from it! =)

Re: the perfect frequencies

by rumush on 12 Oct'15 22:08 in ambient code fork random

Random texture generator based on 'the perfect frequencies' code with a simple routine to play it.

Semi-Random Glitch SynthDef

by rumush on 09 Oct'15 21:27 in pattern glitch experimental random

It is a simple SynthDef I made after having a look at Hasher UGen with a pattern to play it. It creates nice and varied glitch sounds.

by brianlheim on 21 May'15 20:23 in random chaotic meta code generation automatic (Meta-Composer or Meta-Coder Electronique) is a tool for finding inspiration and humor in random but interesting output. Essentially

Confetti3aX, John Conway's Game of Life; fast, Xenakis-inspired version

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:48 in graphic random xenakis conways game of life

John Conway's Game of Life, Xenakis-inspired version with lots of synths switched on by live cells. The slow, 1-bit-music version can be found at htt

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