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Re: Silly Voice

by wondersluyter on 11 Dec'13 10:44 in formant synthesis gregorian chant

Silly gregorian chant, from [Silly Voice](

reception: algregorian (1)

Silly Voice

by Bruno Ruviaro on 13 Nov'13 06:31 in formant synthesis

wobble bass

by grirgz on 11 Nov'13 04:48 in bass wobble dubstep jitlib

Silly Voice

by Bruno Ruviaro on 11 Nov'13 01:39 in bass filter vocal formant synthesis voice

Formant Synthesis example with a silly bass voice.

Example of Karplus-Strong Synthesis with Pluck

by Bruno Ruviaro on 11 Nov'13 01:32 in guitar plucked strings karplusstrong harp

Simple SynthDef using Pluck, and a few Pbinds demonstrating making use of it.

Sound file chunks: Workaround for single-precision buffer indexing

by jamshark70 on 07 Nov'13 03:19 in buffer utility long bufrd chunks incremental

One of the common questions on the list is about handling very large sound files with BufRd. BufRd indexes into the buffer using a single-precision fl


by alextiberiuskirk on 06 Nov'13 17:54 in filter grain bus brown noise

First substractive synth

by pierrealain.bourdil on 05 Nov'13 13:43 in substractive synth

In the process of learing abstract algorithm

Beat slicer

by Brusli on 22 Oct'13 12:09 in beat slicer pitch shifter time stretch

beat slicer

Re: song of forest

by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 13:31 in code fork perc

Timing variations...

Simple Amplitude Trigger (language side)

by rukano on 21 Oct'13 12:45 in amplitude trigger

Simple amplitude trigger using Onsets, Amplitude and SendReply for sending triggers to sclang from SoundIn.

Simple Amplitude Tracker (language side)

by rukano on 21 Oct'13 12:41 in amplitude tracker

It's jsut an amplitude tracker, to exaplin how to send values from scsynth to sclang.

Env editor with knobs to edit individual points

by grirgz on 20 Oct'13 17:59 in gui tool editor

I needed an Env editor with knobs to edit individual points. Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can zoom horizontally with shift+mouseDrag. Show a

song of forest

by soundlake on 19 Oct'13 04:22 in perc

Hmmm.. I'm still SC beginner.

Example of morphing (interpolating) between two Signals/Wavetables

by totalgee on 12 Oct'13 18:24 in interpolate morph

This is in response to a question on sc-users, with subject: [Envelope as signal](http://new-supercollider-mailing-lists-forums-use-these.2681727.n2.n

Real-time pattern morphing with Ndef

by grirgz on 09 Oct'13 18:17 in pattern morphing

When you understand that Ndef can be used to modulate pattern keys, it opens a whole new world