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by grirgz on 01 Sep'13 22:13 in

I always liked this sound when watching X-Files, then I re-created it by chance =) (fork of the tweet 0007 by redFrik)

electric guitar

by grirgz on 21 Jul'13 19:59 in

example fft sc->processing

by Fredrik Olofsson on 30 Apr'13 18:04 in processing

template code for sending lots of data (1024 fft values 61 times per second) from sc to processing. sound function from an old sc-tweet. updated to

network of loosely connected nodes

by LFSaw on 29 Apr'13 10:05 in synchronisation weak connection

Idea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (

Re: Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by grirgz on 03 Apr'13 19:41 in code fork

sad alarm

Variations for Z1 sawtooth

by miguel.negrao on 03 Apr'13 13:16 in

Made with code from Jonatan Liljedahl and Glen Fraser. Based on the Korg Z1 sawtooth oscilator.

noisy twist

by vividsnow on 28 Mar'13 16:14 in sketch

sclang fun )

Play soundfiles

by Bjørn Houdorf on 26 Mar'13 18:37 in sound file task

Play your (short) soundfiles with some delay. Your soundfiles should be in the folder "yourSoundFileFolder"


by vividsnow on 26 Mar'13 08:13 in sketch

reqs: sc3-plugins

reception: really nice going to need to study this one (1)

An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback.

by LFSaw on 25 Mar'13 16:02 in fm synth matrix

FM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback!

reception: awesome (1)

Shane Demo

by Bjorn Westergard on 02 Mar'13 01:30 in strings trap

Something I whipped up talking to my buddy Shane.

The Last Thing We Wanna Do

by mimetikmusic on 29 Dec'12 18:36 in tape experimental reich

A little homage to "Come Out" by Steve Reich.

..and tweets

by aucotsi on 21 Nov'12 14:25 in sctweet tweets

SC Tweets collection

by andre on 11 Nov'12 00:01 in tweets

SC tweets collection from the SC symposium London 2012

more, more, more ( was Re: endless Roger Corman movie

by alln4tural on 03 Nov'12 17:29 in sctweet code fork

a remix with more melodic content, and -- more importantly -- more zapguns. * [](https://tw

more fun with patternproxies, feat. a hack to access internals of the EventStreamPlayer

by alln4tural on 25 Oct'12 17:39 in patterns patternproxies hacks

possibly too-detailed demo of using functions to generate patterns, and then a function to modify the internals of the resulting EventStreamPlayers wh

reception: cool (1)useful (1)

Many patterns controlling a single synth

by Jonatan Liljedahl on 09 Oct'12 16:29 in pbind patterns wobble dubstep pmono

This is a demonstration of how several parallell patterns can be controlling a single synth.

reception: useful (2)hack (1)l33t (1)

Scanned Wave Synthesis

by phrontist on 05 Oct'12 21:22 in scannedwave scanned wave synthdef

Impetus provided by this fine thread:

reception: cool (1)spring (1)scanned wave synthesis (1)

SyncSaw madness

by LFSaw on 21 Jul'12 11:39 in scary

Based on the answer to my question if there is a synced oscillator on SuperCollider, I played with SyncSaw as suggested by JmC.

reception: spacy (1)
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