«Play soundfiles» by Bjørn Houdorf
on 26 Mar'13 18:37 inPlay your (short) soundfiles with some delay. Your soundfiles should be in the folder "yourSoundFileFolder"
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// By Bjørn Houdorf March 2013, Play your (short) soundfiles with some delay. b = SoundFile.collectIntoBuffers("yourSoundFileFolder/*"); // 1. rund this ( // 2. and then run this t = Task({ ({ var num= b.size.rand; var buf= b[num]; 0.1*Splay.ar(PlayBuf.ar(buf.numChannels, buf, 1, 1, 0, 0)); }.play; ) }); ) ( // 3. Then run this z = Task({ loop({ t.start; 0.1.wait; }); }); ) z.start; // 4. and run this z.stop; // 5. and finally run this