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Three one liners ( or, better, many liners )

by ttsesmetzis on 24 Nov'14 15:03 in bitwise algorithmic

Based on the examples and references from

Vanguard - A1: Karplus-Strong Synthesis (musc-115-pluck)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:21 in pattern electronic sound guitar experimental patterns supercollider code synth synthesis karplusstrong karplusstrong synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115pluck

This piece is a remix of my previous piece called "Avant Garde" in which a plucking synthesizer is used. In this piece, I have modified the plucking s

Entropy - Midterm: THX Deep Note Variation (musc-115-thx)

by Jonathan Coon on 30 Oct'14 09:14 in electronic experimental supercollider code synth synthesis sound design music computer synthesizer musc115thx thx deep note thx deep note

Each of these synths is a variation of SuperCollider code that replicates the TXH Deep Note. A tutorial for replicating the THX Deep Note can be foun


by grirgz on 23 Oct'14 21:41 in bass distortion

Molecular music box 2

by grirgz on 28 Aug'14 02:27 in pattern generative molecular

Same algo, but instead of picking the next note in the scale, it take the next event in an event pattern, much more possibilities, I have fun for hour

kick feedback

by grirgz on 12 Jul'14 23:39 in effect feedback kick

Re: An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback -- nanokontrol NNdef version

by miguel-negrao on 22 Jun'14 14:20 in fm code fork synth matrix

FM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback! Version for nanocontrol: 3x3 matrix indexes - 9 faders freqs, first 3 knobs amps, second group of

Scanned Synthesis Visualisation

by Matthew Kane on 25 Feb'14 23:39 in scanned synthesis visualization

Visualization of scanned string synthesis.

reception: gui (1)scanned synthesis (1)visualization (1)

Industrial bagpipe army

by wondersluyter on 18 Feb'14 00:44 in subtractive synthesis

Today's attempt at making something with a beat.. Gets interesting when you slow the tempo way down :) [

20140103_1504 (pluck piece)

by nathan on 03 Jan'14 17:30 in random karpusstrong

New piece arranged and performed in SuperCollider based on code from Bruno Ruviaro, "Pluck (Karpus-Strong) example" (pluck pattern - thanks Bruno) and

wobble bass

by grirgz on 11 Nov'13 04:48 in bass wobble dubstep jitlib

Where did I leave my keys?

by julian.rohrhuber on 01 Nov'13 23:05 in speculative multichannel crossing

Cross-tuning between multiple signal dimensions. The code is finished without listening.

Re: network of loosely connected nodes (now working)

by LFSaw on 21 Oct'13 20:30 in code fork synchronisation weak connection

Idea: network of loosely connected nodes. Each node has a dedicated pulse rate / phase. Inducing an irregular trigger signal influences the nodes to (

Env editor with knobs to edit individual points

by grirgz on 20 Oct'13 17:59 in gui tool editor

I needed an Env editor with knobs to edit individual points. Maybe it can be useful to someone. You can zoom horizontally with shift+mouseDrag. Show a

Real-time pattern morphing with Ndef

by grirgz on 09 Oct'13 18:17 in pattern morphing

When you understand that Ndef can be used to modulate pattern keys, it opens a whole new world

Waveshaping Synthesis GUI Demo 2

by Bruno Ruviaro on 09 Sep'13 05:01 in gui synthesis techniques waveshaping

Graphical interface for experimenting with waveshape synthesis.

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