«An FM Matrix Synth with 1to1 feedback.» by LFSaw
on 25 Mar'13 16:02 inFM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback!
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/////////////////////////////////////////// // a basic FM Matrix Synth, now with 1to1 feedback. s.boot; q = q ? (); q.numOscs = 10; ( Ndef(\fmMatrix, { var numOscs = q.numOscs; var oscs; var freqs = \freqs.kr({|i| 500}!numOscs); var modIndex = \modIndex.kr({|i| 0}!(numOscs**2)).clump(numOscs).postln; var amps = \amps .kr(0!numOscs); var tmpOsc; var feedbacks = LocalIn.ar(numOscs); oscs = freqs.inject([], {|oscArray, freq, i| tmpOsc = SinOsc.ar( freq + oscArray.inject(0, {|sum, osc, j| sum // modulators from already instantiated oscs //+ (osc * modIndex[i][j] * freq) + (feedbacks[j] * modIndex[i][j] * freq) }) + (numOscs - 1 - Array.iota(numOscs - (i))).postln.inject(0, {|sum, g| sum // modulators from to be instantiated oscs + (feedbacks[g] * modIndex[i][g] * freq) }) // self modulation //modIndex[i][i] ); oscArray ++ tmpOsc; }); // end inject LocalOut.ar(oscs); //SplayAz.ar(8, oscs * amps, center: LFSaw.kr(0.01)); Splay.ar(oscs * amps); }) ) // the standard Ndef gui. to hear something, press play. Ndef(\fmMatrix).gui; Ndef(\fmMatrix).setn(\modIndex, 0!(q.numOscs**2)); // ( var specs = ( freqs: [0, 10000, \lin, 0.1].asSpec, modIndex: [0, 4, \lin, 0].asSpec; ); var modIndex = Ndef(\fmMatrix).get(\modIndex).clump(q.numOscs); var freqState = Ndef(\fmMatrix).get(\freqs); var ampState = Ndef(\fmMatrix).get(\amps); var colWidth = 40; var knobHeight = 50; var idxKnobColors = [ // upper right area [Color.gray(0.8), Color.blue, blend(Color.white, Color.blue, 0.5)], [Color.gray(0.8), Color.blue, blend(Color.white, Color.blue, 0.2)], // lower left area [Color.gray(0.8), Color.red, blend(Color.white, Color.red, 0.5)], [Color.gray(0.8), Color.red, blend(Color.white, Color.red, 0.2)] ]; var bgColors = [ Color.gray(0.8), Color.gray(1), Color.gray(0.6), Color.gray(0.8), ]; q.win = Window.new("FM Matrix", Rect(100, 100, (q.numOscs+5) * colWidth, 800)).front; q.win.addFlowLayout; /////////// INDEXES StaticText(q.win, Rect(10, 10, q.numOscs * (colWidth + 5) + 150, 20)).string_("-- modulation index "); q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; q.higherAmpSliders = q.numOscs.collect{|i| var slider; //(i+1).do{|j| q.numOscs.do{|j| var ez; ez = EZKnob(q.win, Rect(25, 25, colWidth, knobHeight), controlSpec: specs[\modIndex], initAction: true, initVal: modIndex[i][j] ) .action_{|knob| modIndex[i][j] = knob.value; Ndef(\fmMatrix).setn(\modIndex, modIndex.flat); }; ez.knobView.mode_(\vert); ((j) > i).if({ ez.setColors(knobColors: idxKnobColors[j%2]); ez.setColors(background: bgColors [j%2]); }, { ez.setColors(knobColors: idxKnobColors[j%2 + 2]); ez.setColors(background: bgColors [j%2 + 2]); }); (i == j).if{ ez.knobView.color_([Color.gray, Color.blue, Color.green]); }; }; slider = EZSlider(q.win, Rect(0, 0, 150, knobHeight * 0.5), label: i, layout: 'horz', numberWidth: 0, labelWidth: 10, initVal: ampState[i] ) .action_{|slider| ampState[i] = slider.value; q.lowerAmpSliders[i].value = slider.value; Ndef(\fmMatrix).setn(\amps, ampState); }; slider.setColors(background: bgColors[i%2 + 2]); q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; // return slider }; q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; /////////// FREQS StaticText(q.win, Rect(10, 10, q.numOscs * (colWidth + 5), 20)).string_("-- freqs ----------"); q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; q.numOscs.do{|i| var ez; ez = EZKnob(q.win, Rect(0, 0, colWidth, knobHeight), controlSpec: specs[\freqs], initAction: true, initVal: freqState[i] ) .action_{|knob| freqState[i] = knob.value; Ndef(\fmMatrix).setn(\freqs, freqState); }; ez.knobView.mode_(\vert); ez.setColors(background: bgColors[i%2 + 2]); }; /////////// AMPS q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; StaticText(q.win, Rect(10, 10, q.numOscs * (colWidth + 5), 20)).string_("-- amps ----------"); q.win.view.decorator.nextLine; q.lowerAmpSliders = q.numOscs.collect{|i| var ez; ez = EZSlider(q.win, Rect(0, 0, colWidth, 150), label: i, layout: 'vert', initVal: ampState[i] ) .action_{|slider| ampState[i] = slider.value; Ndef(\fmMatrix).setn(\amps, ampState); q.higherAmpSliders[i].value = slider.value; }; ez.setColors(background: bgColors[i%2 + 2]); } )
full graph
This is really awesome
really amazing and very useful!
The code above in 3.7 should be equivalent to (
Ndef(\fmMatrix, { var numOscs = q.numOscs;
}) )
Brillant ! Another way to write the NDef
``` ( Ndef(\fmMatrix, { var numOscs = q.numOscs;
}) ) ```