
coreyker's code
Fragment VI
Code to produce this piece: From this album: Which features SuperCollider on every track
Looping sampler with crossfading
3 1Looping sampler with crossfading. Looping point and loop length can be adjusted.
Fragment IX
3Code to reproduce this piece:
Detuned Synth Pad
2A SuperCollider implementation of the synth sound described here: ""
Cellular Automaton
3 1A supercollider implementation of algorithmic composition using cellular automaton (please see: for my original inspiration). This code displays a grid of buttons, which can be clicked to generate new agents which behave according to a simple set of rules, that can lead to interesting emergent patterns: 1. Initially move downward; 2. If a boundary is encountered or if two agents collide, reverse direction; 3. If two agents attempt to occupy the same cell, each agent should rotate 90 degrees to its left and continue moving Sound is generated whenever an agent encounters a boundary, and different boundary locations correspond to different notes on a scale
Yet another molecular music box
An attempt at coding this algorithm: I haven't really checked for errors, but is sounds ok. There are a few other SC versions as well. See for example: and
A simple drum machine
A simple drum machine, using synthetic (analog type) drum sounds. No SynthDef's were used, although this would be a good idea. The various "players" can be modified and re-evaluated while the Routine is running....
Pushing air
2code for disquiet 0050 project: listen here:
coreyker's comments