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neural sirens

by clarkenciel on 03 Dec'17 02:09 in

Accurate Yamaha DX-7 Emulation Using Supercollider

by egegonul on 11 Nov'17 18:45 in fm endless instrument synthesis synthesis techniques frequency modulation sound design synthesizer dx7

This project aims to emulate the Yamaha DX-7 synthesizer. It almost perfectly emulates the original DX-7 unit. Blind test between original unit and em

Clock Difference

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:15 in synchronization clock timing

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Double Oscer

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 22:12 in oscillator

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

Simple Trapset

by codepool on 27 Apr'17 21:59 in drums trap set

Migration from the old SourceForge wiki.

click clack toot // fm-grains

by _Lf0 on 19 Dec'16 00:12 in fm grains envelope modulation

/* clicks and ambience. click clack tooot..... partly loud clicks... i tried to practice granular synthesis but failed in the end to make

sine(LFPar) minor random bliss in two

by Luka P. on 11 Dec'16 13:36 in ambient random generative chill easy smooth minor

just something i did as an excercise trying to understand clocks and scheduling

Re: Launchpad Spiral

by grirgz on 21 May'16 20:07 in code fork

For the challenge, let's make the path algorithmically =)

Launchpad Spiral

by Schemawound on 18 May'16 19:41 in

Just a quick demo of making a spiral pattern on a Novation Launchpad Mini Visual of it here:

Re: Re: the perfect frequencies

by grirgz on 13 Oct'15 22:42 in ambient code fork random

That's why I love SC, I just randomly added code, and everytime something cool come from it! =)

Re: the perfect frequencies

by rumush on 12 Oct'15 22:08 in ambient code fork random

Random texture generator based on 'the perfect frequencies' code with a simple routine to play it.

Confetti3aX, John Conway's Game of Life; fast, Xenakis-inspired version

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:48 in graphic random xenakis conways game of life

John Conway's Game of Life, Xenakis-inspired version with lots of synths switched on by live cells. The slow, 1-bit-music version can be found at htt

Confetti 3a: Game of Life

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:38 in random graphics 1bit music conways game of life

It is relatively simple to convert Confetti3 ( )to John Conway's Game of Life. You just need to change the rules and make sure

Confetti 3

by henklass on 14 May'15 17:33 in random graphics 1bit music

Confetti 3 converts random patterns of blocks to more or less structured images. Every block will adapt to the predominant color in its surroundings,

Cellular Automaton

by coreyker on 10 Mar'15 07:48 in gui algorithmic cellular automaton

A supercollider implementation of algorithmic composition using cellular automaton (please see: for my origin

reception: fantastic (1)

The Beasties

by henklass on 16 Jan'15 18:56 in science life simulator

A life simulator. Beasties are running across the screen, eating, finding a mate and eventually dying. Every event has its own sound.

reception: cool (1)awesome (1)

Yet another molecular music box

by coreyker on 24 Dec'14 14:13 in algorithmic

An attempt at coding this algorithm:

Spectrum and Spectrogram of a sound file

by jcc on 07 Nov'14 23:30 in spectrum spectrogram

Calculates and plots the spectrum at any position in a sound file (only reads one channel). Displays the spectrogram of a selected segment of a sound

reception: great and useful (1)


by olaf on 04 Sep'14 06:54 in gui synth tb303

example fft sc->processing v2

by Fredrik Olofsson on 15 Aug'14 00:21 in processing

an extended version of this one sends 3 streams of spectral data at the same time - high, mid and low filtered. note: quite

reception: useful (1)